Online Safety
Video Game Ratings
Types of Gamers
Finding Balance
True or False: Always use your real name when creating online accounts



What does the rating E mean?



True or False: A camper is a type of gamer?


Campers sit in a strategic spot the entire game, take advantage of good map spots, or camp out near key areas so they can be the first to grab powerful goods or take unfair advantage of opponents.   


What is screen time?

Screen time is the time you spend watching TV, using the computer, playing video games and using a phone.

Name on way that social media is useful.
Any of the following (or more)

1. You can communicate with people

2. You can learn new things?

3. It can be fun and entertaining


True or False: It is safe to give your address and phone number online when creating accounts



What age group is rating M appropriate for?

17 plus


What is a Troll?

Trolls post comments that may offend other people, and are looking to get a reaction out of other gamers. Trolls generally live to cause arguments and trouble.


What are two signs that you have been in front of a screen for two long/

Any two of the following:

Finding it difficult to get to sleep 

The device feels very hot 

Feeling moody or grumpy

Constantly thinking about being online 

Family members mention how long you’ve been online 

Blurry vision 

The device runs out of battery

Feeling hungry 

Looking at the clock and realising lots of time has passed 

A message on the screen asking if you’re still there 

Body aches from not moving much 

You notice it got dark outside

Eyes hurt


Name two ways in which social media can be unsafe.

Any two:

You can meet strangers that might not have good intentions 

Content can be inappropriate 

People can leave mean comments

When checking if an email address is fake one things we have to check the name of the business. The name of the business should come ____ the "@" sign.

What is after.


What is the rating for Minecraft?

E 10+


What do Pirates do?

They try to sell illegal games online. 


How much sleep should a teens get in one day?

8-10 hours


Jack posted this message on his social media:

Finally got my license! Who wants to go for a drive?

(He posted this along with a picture of his drivers license)

Do you think this was a smart thing to post?

No. Drivers license contains private information that should not be shared on social media. 


Using email as a cyber attack tool to get someone's personal information is called...

What is Phishing


What is the name of the organization that rates video game?


What is a Griefer?

Griefers are like Cyberbullies. These are gamers that taunt other players, use foul language, or even turn on their teammates  

They play to cause grief and ruin the gaming experience for others.  


How much screen time should you have in one day?

2 hours (max)


What is cyber bullying?


- Threatening someone 

- Making fun of someone

They do this, over the 

-Phone, Internet, online video games, social networking sites


What are they looking for when they are "Phishing"

Your private information like name, address, phone number, bank information. 


What does ESRB stand for?

Entertainment Software Rating Board


Name 4 different types of gamers

Name any 4: Camper, Cheaters, Pirates, Fanboys, Trolls, Cyberbullies, Griefers, Hackers


How much physical activity should you get in one day?

At least 30-60 minutes


What should you if someone is trolling you?

Have a friend stick up for you 

Lay low for a while

Ignore the troll

Don't feed the troll