Pew Research Center
NY Times OpEd
Perceptions on Sharing, Advertising, and Tracking
The Tradeoff Fallacy
Americans Can’t Consent to Companies’ Use of Their Data

What three factors mediate users’ privacy choices?

knowledge on privacy and cybersecurity, confidence in technology skills, concern about data collection

Discussion: Can you think of anything else that might influence consumers’ privacy choices?


What do most Americans think about data collection and how much control do they believe they have?

Most Americans don’t like the amount of data that is collected, but they feel powerless.


What change could sites implement to make users more comfortable with data collection?

Provide users with transparent choices that allow them to customize their privacy preferences.

Up to discussion, may be alternate answers


True or false: The majority of Americans disapprove of trading personal data for services and/or discounts.


Discussion: What do you think? Would you trade your data for some reward?


What do scholars argue the issue is with the “notice-and-consent” mechanism?

Too much responsibility is placed on consumers to properly read privacy policies as they are long and vague.

Discussion: Do you read privacy policies? Do you think it is okay for companies to hide important information in these long documents?


What fraction of people in the survey opt for more secure passwords?


Discussion: Does this surprise you? Why or why not? Do you use secure passwords?


How do tech companies try to justify data collection and surveillance?

They argue that our acceptance of the data collection and continued usage suggests we are content with it.

Discussion: Do you feel that data collection is a fair trade off for free usage?


True or False: Users with a background in computing are less willing to share data.


Discussion: Does this surprise you? Why or why not?


True or False: Pharmacies can sell over-the-counter drug purchase information without consent. 


Discussion: This was a true/false question asked in the survey where 69% of people incorrectly answered False.


What does Ari Waldman argue that consent is confused with?

True choice.

Discussion: What does “consent” mean to you? Do companies take advantage of it?


About what percentage of respondents have turned off cookies and/or website tracking?


Discussion: Do you accept or reject cookies when prompted on websites, and why?


According to surveys, are Americans more skeptical of companies taking responsibility when they misuse/compromise personal data or that they adhere to privacy policies?

Companies taking responsibility when they misuse/compromise personal data (78% little to no confidence compared to 57%)


Many study participants said they would be open to targeted ads on what condition? 

They had control over selecting the types of ads and what information is collected.


What outcome does increased knowledge over data collection tend to have?

People better informed about data collection were more likely to feel like they had no control over it.

Discussion: Do you think this is true? Why or why not?


What do the authors argue consumers should have in order to provide genuine consent? 

Built-in privacy protections: a complete understanding of data collection practices and the belief they can do something about them if needed.

Discussion: Do you think a thorough understanding of privacy practices is achievable for most Americans?