Study that involves the collection, organization, description, analysis, and interpretation of data
Variables that are typically integers representing a count of objects.
Discrete variables
What type of sampling method would you be using if you asked the 1st 20 people that walked past you to take your survey.
Convenience sample
Bias that can occur by allowing participants to choose if they are a part of your study.
Volunteer bias
True/False: Case (capital/lowercase) does not matter when entering code in RStudio.
Data in its original form
Raw Data
Type of data representing your letter grade.
Type of sample that involves separating population into clusters and selecting random members from each cluster
Stratified random sample
The natural variation from sample to sample that happens by chance
Sampling Error
True/False: When importing data, you are allowed to change the name of the data set to make it easier to work with.
Data that is organized in a table.
Structured Data
Type of data representing heights of individuals.
The type of sample that is the ideal, where each member of the population has an equal likelihood of being selected
Simple random sample
Systematically omitting certain people or groups of the population from your study.
To create a frequency table in RStudio, what part of the following code is incorrect?
$ not .
Columns in structured data represent _______ .
Categorical data such as "What is your favorite movie?"
You survey 50 seniors at Tivy, asking about what theme they'd like for prom this year. What is the population of interest?
ALL seniors at Tivy HS
Outside variable(s) that could effect your study.
Confounding/lurking variable
When you see this symbol: <- in code in RStudio, what are you trying to create?
A SUBSET of the data.
An attempt to make a prediction based on the data we collect and analyze
Zip code, ID #, House #, Phone #, SS #, etc
What you are trying to study about the population is referred to as the ___________________ .
A statistic describes what we find out about the ____________ .
How old is Mrs. Manchee?