Type of Test
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

The type of test used to determine if the average number of hours studied by high school seniors in a week is 5 hours.

What is the one sample t - test?


The null hypothesis in a paired t - test.

What is "the average difference in population = 0"?

(There is no difference between before & after)


The meaning of k and N in the ANOVA process.

What is k represents the number of groups and N represents the overall sample size?


A table that displays the proportion of individual frequency to the total frequency of the data (percentages).

What is a relative frequency table?


Type AND number of variables that are displayed in a contingency table.

What are 2 categorical variables?


The statistic that summarizes the direction and strength of the linear relationship in a single numeric value.

What is the Pearson correlation coefficient, r?


The type of test used to determine if there is a difference between the GPAs of freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors.

What is an ANOVA?


The the meaning of the letter "d-bar" in the Paired t-Test t-statistic formula.

What is "mean difference" or the average of the differences between the pairs.


The correct conclusion when conducting an independent t - test with p > 0.05

What is "no difference in population means"?


The type of chart that shows categorical data frequencies where normality and skewedness are not descriptors we can use.

What is a bar chart?


The type of distribution that looks at the overall distribution of one variable, ignoring the other.

What is a marginal distribution?


The amount of change predicted to occur in y for every 1 unit change in x.

What is slope?


The type of test that determines if there is a difference between the average number of hours studied by males in high school versus females in high school.

What is the independent t - test?


A range of possible values of the population mean.

What is a confidence interval?


The significance level you use to look up t-critical values.

What is 0.05


The hypothesis that states the observed distribution of the variable differs from the expected distribution in a Chi-Squared Goodness of Fit test.

What is the alternative hypothesis?


The value that each bar in a stacked bar chart should total up to.

What is 1 or 100%?


Hidden variables that cause strong correlations that are the result of spurious correlations (when 2 variables are correlated by chance, not due to an actual relationship). 

What are lurking or confounding variables?


The type of test used to determine if there is a difference in the mean value of blood pressure before taking a prescribed medication and the mean value of blood pressure after taking a prescribed medication.

What is the paired (or dependent) t - test?


The degrees of freedom for a One-Sample t-Test.

What is n - 1?


The p-value when it is determined there is a significant difference between at least 2 group means in an ANOVA.

What is p < 0.05?


This number represents the minimum value all expected counts must have for an accurate Chi-Squared Test.

What is the number 5?


The hypothesis that states two variables are independent in a Chi-Square Test of Independence.

What is the null hypothesis?


A residual value.

What is the observed point - predicted point?


When an ANOVA produces a significant F - statistic, we use this test to investigate which pairs of groups have significantly different means.

What is post - hoc testing?


The test statistic for a one sample t - test.

What is: 

(sample mean - claimed mean from H0) / (SE)


Type of error when H0 is true but we rejected H0.

What is a Type I error?


The type of data used in a Chi-Squared Goodness of Fit or Independence test.

What is the categorical data?


The expected counts formula for each cell in a table when performing a chi-square test of independence.

What is:

(row total x column total) / grand total?


The type AND number of variables needed to create a linear regression.

What are 2 numerical (quantitative) variables?