
Reason Cruise partners with OnStar.

What is to offer emergency services to our autonomous vehicles in every city where we have manually driven or supervised vehicles present?


Amount of time before we call OnStar in an Elevated UPI situation.

What is 2 minutes?


OnStar may sometimes refer to a rider as:

What is patient?


Name of our insurance company:

What is Mobilitas?


Process if you are unable to connect to OnStar via HALO.

What is if you're unable to connect with OnStar via HALO you should call them through RingCentral at (800)783-4249.


Process if a customer tells us that they feel unsafe due to a UPI attempting to open the vehicle and shouting expletives. 

1. Collect all relevant context via RA, PAX and interior cameras.

2. Call OnStar and provide a high level description of what is currently occurring. 

3. Stay connected to OnStar as they engage in Emergency Incident Interaction.


CVD stands for:

What is Cruise Vehicle Driver?


Email we should provide 3rd parties in the event of a collision:

What is


True or False: CS can escalate to OnStar even if it appears that emergency services and / or law enforcement are already on the scene.

What is True?

Process if we receive a manual initiation call during a supervised drive and a collision has occurred. 

1. Answer the call with "Hi there,  This is [CSS Name] with Cruise Support, I see that you are in [AV NAME]. How can assist you?"

2. Once a collision has been confirmed call OnStar for the CVD.

3. Disconnect from the call by stating "Thanks for confirming you're safe! I'm going to disconnect now that I know you're safe and OnStar is on the line."


Definition for danger to life:

(shots fired nearby, explosion nearby)

Note: Even if AV was not impacted or involved with the incident


Phone number we should provide to a 3rd party per the KB: (Hint: This information can be found under Cruise Support Team Info)

What is Phone: +1 (415) 649-8431?


Finish this sentence: When in doubt give __________ a shout!

What is OnStar?


Law in Texas if there has been an injury or fatality.

What is instruct OnStar to call local law enforcement (or call directly yourself) if any injuries or fatalities are involved or if any vehicle is too damaged to be driven safely and normally from the scene?


Definition for path obstructed:

What is an individual(s) blocking the AV path?


In the event that the CVD can't communicate, CS would ask for this information from the involved 3rd party:

Collect third-party information:

  • Contact information (phone and email)
  • Insurance information (company, policy number, and phone number).

Process for being unable to connect with OnStar via RingCentral.

What is in the unlikely event that OnStar doesn't connect or isn't available, call the emergency services number for the appropriate market directly using RingCentral?


When interacting with OnStar keep these points in mind:

  • Give short, clear answers, use your resources to locate details
  • State "uknown at this time" if you can't confirm the details of something. 
  • State that you aren't with the rider, but have an audio and visual connection with the car. 
  • Confirm requested information through visual and auditory cues available in-cabin/externally. 

Definition for Elevated UPI:

  • Intentional physical contact with the car: hitting, kicking, slapping, etc
  • An object is being thrown at the car (contact made): bottles, rocks, skateboards, bikes, bags, etc.
  • Unauthorized attempt to access the car

Process if HALO doesn't automatically connect to Skill 2:

If HALO doesn’t connect to a Skill-2 CSS immediately, Skill-1 CSS should continue to attempt to resolve the case.