Your friend was supposed to come over after school but his mom forgot about his piano lesson and he can no longer come over. What type of problem is this?
a glitch - change in schedule
Your mom took your tablet away from you because you have been on it for over an hour. How can we think about this using gratitude?
I am grateful to have an ipad to play on.
It's snack time at school. You open your bag of chips and it makes a LOUD popping noise. Everyone in the class laughs. You think it is so silly that you laugh all of snack and keep pretending to make the loud popping noise. After a few minutes, no one else is laughing and the teacher has to come over to calm you down.
was funny once
Another student is crying at recess. What would you do?
- ask if she is okay
- try to cheer her up
- tell a teacher
You are feeling angry. What is a coping skill you could use?
punch a pillow, run outside, jump up and down
5/emergency- you are hurt!
Your mom packed your favorite lunch but forgot to put a fork in your bag which made you SO mad at her. How could we think of this using gratitude?
I am grateful to have my favorite lunch packed for me.
BONUS: what is a problem solving strategy we could use?
You are working on a project with a partner in school. You think you should make a drawing and explain it to the class. Your partner thinks you should make a slideshow and present it to the class. You get angry at him and tell him his idea is dumb and you won't do it. What unthinkable is controlling you right now?
Rock brain
Is there another unthinkable in this scenario?
You see another kid bullying someone in the lunch room. What would you do?
You had a bad day at school and are feeling sad. What is a coping skill you could use?
Ask mom for a hug, cuddle sparkle, watch your favorite show, eat your favorite snack, do a favorite activity.
BONUS: What cheers you up when you are sad?
Your brother keeps changing avatars on your zoom session. You tell him to stop but he won't. What type of problem is this?
Level 3 - frustrated
Your friend came over to play after school but they had to leave to go home for dinner. You get really mad that he had to leave. How can you use gratitude?
I am grateful that I have friends and that we were able to play after school.
Your friend is eating lunch with you. He opens his lunch bag and it STINKS. It smells like rotten eggs. He pulls out an egg salad sandwich and starts to eat it. You say "EWWWW You're eating a trash sandwich for lunch HOW GROSS"
mean jean
Someone dropped $10 on their way to the book fair. What would you do?
Catch up to them and return the money
You are feeling worried about your test tomorrow. What coping skill could you use to calm down?
Take deep breaths, talk to mom/dad about why you are worried, go for a walk, drink your favorite beverage, say positive things (i.e., I will get a good grade).
Your classmate keeps talking over the teacher and it is distracting you. You turn to him and tell him to stop. He stops talking and listens to the teacher. What type of problem is this?
Level 2 - you are annoyed but can solve the problem yourself
You wanted to take sparkle out for a walk after school but mom took him out earlier. How can you use gratitude?
I am grateful I have a dog to play with.
BONUS: What problem solving strategy could you use?
You are playing with friends at recess. One of your friend accidentally kicks the ball and hits your stomach. He apologizes and says it was an accident. You start crying and tell him he did it on purpose, that he is mean, and that he must not like you. What unthinkable is in control of you right now?
Grump Grumpaniny
What other unthinkable might be controlling you?
You were acting too silly in session and lost your ipad for the rest of the night. What would you do?
Find something else to do, play outside, play with sparkle, choose a calm activity.
You are frustrated that you cannot have five guys for dinner. What is a coping skill you could use?
practice gratitude, take deep breaths, think of "flipping the token" activity from last week, distract yourself (songs, coloring, reading)
You are playing a soccer game and score a goal. A kid from the other team yells at you saying it wasn't fair. He comes close to you and pushes you on the ground. What type of problem is this?
Big problem - he is threatening you
BONUS: how can you solve this problem?
It is your last session with Makayla and you are sad you won't see her again. How could you use gratitude?
I am grateful we got to work together for 8 months.
Kerem and Onur are in their therapy session. Onur is getting so silly and Kerem starts to laugh at him. They begin laughing together and have trouble paying attention to what Makayla is saying. What unthinkable is controlling them?
brain eater
You don't understand your math homework and begin to get frustrated. What would you do?
- Ask mom/dad for help
- try your best
- tell your teacher you tried but you were very confused. Ask for extra help
You are frustrated that your brother won't make room for you to sit at the table with him. What is a coping skill OR problem solving strategy you could use?
coping skill: deep breaths
Problem solving strategy: flexible thinking