Even though I don’t think I’m any good at it, I continue to do it.
What is drawing?
A red fruit i really enjoy!
What is an Apple?
I wanted to be this when I was young.
What is an actor?
Ooba’s favorite color is purple.
What is false?
Ooba thinks this person needs a haircut!
What is a Jaben?
Love to bask in all its glory and occasionally take pictures.
What is Nature?
A delicious snack that taste scrumptious when toasted! (Hint has bread in it)
What is a Sandwich?
I did this sport in high school
What is Track in Field?
What is Basketball?
Ooba stabbed a kid with a pencil on the bus
What is true?
The cutest in the room!
What is a Nora?
An object that captures moments.
What is a Camera?
Spending time and making memories with these species!
What are friends?
This Mexican food is my FAVORITE!
What is Molè?
Ooba has 4 sisters, 6 nephews, and 4 nieces.
What is true?
Ooba has pictures of the guys climbing over each other playing this game.
What is Twister?
When it’s nice outside it’s a great activity to do.
What is physical activity?
I love watching videos of this and my friends and family do this occasionally. Whenever this happens I get hysterical
What is people falling down?
Decided to damage my hair once and made is lighter.
What is hair dye?
Ooba’s favorite soda is Pineapple Fanta.
What is false?
Is really good at Smash Bros.
What is a Liam?