Outdated disorder that is now more similar to level one of the autistic spectrum.
What is Aspergers?
A symptom that results in sudden and difficult-to-control body jolts or sounds.
What are tics?
The best time to be diagnosed with autism.
What is as early as possible?
The likelihood of boys getting autism more than girls.
What is four times as likely?
The disease autism was first used as a description for
What is schizophrenia
The symptom of autism regarding sound.
What is sensitivity to sound?
Something you can take to help suppress symptoms of autism.
What is medicine?
The percentage of people that are suspected to have Aspergers globally.
What is 0.5 percent?
The year Aspergers stopped being diagnosed for being too similar to autism.
The disorder that the symptoms of clumsiness and difficulty with handwriting belong to.
What is Aspergers?
Something you can go do to help treat Autism.
What is therapy?
The controversial founder of Aspergers.
Who is Hans Asperger?
The first person to use the term Autism.
Who is Eugen Bleuler?
A symptom shared between Autism and Asbergers.
What is being oblivious to other's emotions?
A way to prevent autism or Aspergers.
What is impossible?
The ratio of boys in the US with autism.
What is 1 in 36?