Counseling Center Savvy
BU Resources to Know
Coping Skills 101
Symptom Sherlock
Relationships Gone Awry

Where is the Center for Counseling and Human Development (Counseling Center) located?

Warren Student Services Center, 2nd floor, 240


I am the place you go to when you feel sick.

Student Health Center- Kehr Union 324


My support system includes: (name at least 3 people or groups that could be in your support system)

Multiple answers are possible.  Some suggestions include: Parents, family members, friends, CCHD, SHC, DOS, professors, Academic Advisor, boss, co-worker, teammates, club members


Events that seem linked to anxiety or depression symptoms are called______



My significant other takes my phone to look at my text messages/phone calls without my permission.  This is completely okay.  T/F

F- Discussion of healthy and appropriate boundaries/privacy/consent


When is the CCHD open?

M-F 8 am – 4:30 pm; Sue Ei, Shell Lundahl, Sybil Holloway, Jeff VanLone


I am the place you go to for support regarding sexual and gender identity issues.

LGBTQIA Resource Center- Warren Student Services Center 265


Understanding how I automatically think about a situation can help me understand why I feel and behave the way I do.  T/F

T- CBT (The way we interpret or perceive a situation often impacts the way we feel and how we choose to act.  Sometimes negative self-talk or thoughts feel “automatic” and we have to learn to become more aware of when they occur so we can intervene and challenge those thoughts with more realistic or positive alternatives.


Physical symptoms of anxiety or panic include: (name 3) OR Physical symptoms of depression include: (name 3)

Increased heart rate, difficulty breathing, sweating, fidgeting/restlessness; sleep problems; increased/decreased appetite; fatigue etc…


I’m in a long-distance relationship and my significant other says I can’t go to parties with my friends because they are not here with me.  This is completely okay.  T/F

F- Similar to discussion above regarding healthy boundaries/communication/privacy/independence


If I’m concerned about my safety or the safety of someone else I should wait for the next available appointment.  T/F

F- If you are concerned about your safety, a friend’s safety, or are in extreme distress you can meet the On-Call clinician any time during our business hours without an appointment.  This is called an Emergency Walk-In


I am the person you will meet if you have questions about substance use or have a substance use violation.

Margarete Hahn- DAWN Office (Warren Student Services Center 253 next to CCHD)


How I feel now is how I will always feel.  T/F

F- Emotions, thoughts, and behaviors are impermanent.  This means that they can change from moment to moment (experience to experience) and this is true of pleasant as well as uncomfortable emotions.  In particular, anxiety is often experienced as a “wave” in which someone moves from baseline through escalation to peak levels and then de-escalates back to baseline.


Trauma symptoms are sometimes mistaken for general or social anxiety and can cause changes in mood or relationships.  Symptoms of trauma include: (name 3)

Increased hear rate; difficulty breathing; hypervigilance (being on the look-out or feeling on edge); panic; nightmares; difficulty falling or staying asleep; flashbacks; avoidance of people or situations associated with trauma


My roommate spends a lot of time in our room crying and says she thinks about wanting to kill herself.  She asks me to keep this a secret because she doesn’t want her family to know.  I should ___________________

Multiple answers are possible, but discussion could include: Never agree to keep secrets when someone’s safety is in question; Listen and express compassion/empathy while helping them get connected to the appropriate resources (Res Life, CCHD, SHC, parents/family) because you care; Make sure to attend to your own self-care needs (setting healthy boundaries, not taking on more than you are capable of handling; knowing your limits, attending to healthy eating and sleeping habits)


Group therapy is sometimes a better form of treatment than individual. T/F

T- Group treatment offers a unique experience with peers who experience similar concerns.  It has been shown to be as or more effective than individual counseling depending on the presenting concern.  We currently offer 2 groups: Understand Self and Others; Self-Discovery in Practice


I am the person in the Dean of Students Office who can assist you with getting connected to various resources across campus.

Dan Haverstock- Assistant Dean of Student for Student Assistance; Kehr Union 102


Healthy strategies for managing anxiety symptoms include all of the following except:

i. Sensory Grounding

ii. Deep Breathing

iii. Binge Drinking

iiii. Progressive Muscle Relaxation and Guided Imagery

Binge Drinking- All other answers are forms of mindfulness-based or biofeedback interventions, which are effective forms of anxiety reduction.


I’m falling behind on my assignments because I’m worried about a situation at home and can’t focus.  I guess I’m just not smart enough and should stop going to class.  T/F

F- Worries about family or friends at home can distract us from our present responsibilities.  This is common and not a reflection of academic ability.  Try reaching out to professors, your academic advisor, tutoring services, CCHD, or SHC if you are struggling to make it to class.  Early intervention can help you recover from a few missed classes or provide you with options for time away from BU.


My family is a sore subject because we don’t get along and my parents have substance use problems.  I’m often embarrassed of them and say very little to my friends about where I come from.  I feel alone, but know I can turn to _________ for support.

Multiple answers are possible, but could include: trusted friends, CCHD, professors, mentors, DOS, club/organization/teammates


Medication services are available through the CCHD on a limited basis.  T/F

T- The CCHD currently has 4 hours of psychiatry services most weeks of the semester.  Students must first receive a referral from one of our counselors and they must regularly meet with their counselor while receiving medication through our services.  Students are limited to 5 psychiatry visits per year, typically to start or end medications.  A transition plan to a community provider for on-going medication management is usually discussed with both the psychiatrist and the students primary counselor.



I am the person you should reach out to if you miss a class due to medical or mental health concerns.

Multiple answers are possible, but the first place to start is directly reaching out to your professors.  Often times they are understanding if you confide that your are struggling and pursuing an action plan.  Sometimes they may even recommend different campus resources, such as the CCHD, SHC, DOS or Academic Advising


Regulation of these 2 habits will go a long way in helping me cope with stress, anxiety, and depression.

Sleeping and Eating- When these are dysregulated negative physical and psychological symptoms can occur and impact general functioning.


Name 3 challenges of being a first generation college student that students with more privilege might not understand.

Multiple answers are possible, but could include: disadvantaged high school experiences that weren’t challenging; limited financial support to afford tuition or pay for living expenses; pressure from family and self to succeed where others have not; pressure to live up to expectations and awareness of family sacrifices; added family obligations may mean less time to devote to studying and completing homework.



My significant other and I were drinking at a party last weekend.  We went to their house after and they started kissing me.  I felt sick and just wanted to sleep, so I asked them to stop.  They continued to kiss and touch me in ways I didn’t want despite telling them to stop numerous times.  I finally give up and let them do what they want because they were going to do it anyway so it was inevitable.  What is wrong with this situation?

Discussion: It is NEVER ok to pressure someone to do something they don’t want to do; consent, especially when alcohol is involved; You DO NOT have to give in because someone is harassing you (report to BUPD, local police, CCHD, Title IX, Women’s Resource Center, professors); briefly discuss mandated reporting and the confidentiality of CCHD vs. other faculty and staff