The main index database for the field of PHILOSOPHY
What is Philosopher's Index? (PhilPapers is acceptable)
This subject, along with Political Science, is part of MU's Kinder Institute on Constitutional Democracy.
What is HISTORY?
The broad term for the type of sources history seminar students always need to find
What daily newspaper has published for over 100 years by journalism students at Mizzou?
What is the MISSOURIAN?
The entity all MERLIN libraries belong to
What is the University of Missouri 4-campus system?
The main subject covered in the ATLA database
What is RELIGIOUS STUDIES (Theology also acceptable)?
This subject, founded in the 1980's at MU, does NOT have a doctoral program.
What is Religious Studies?
The source of statistical information on which American Fact Finder based
What is the U.S. Census?
The product through which we get historical coverage of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the Washington Post, and several other major newspapers
What is Proquest Historical Newspapers?
The name of the library consortium you should check if no local holdings are available
What is MOBIUS?
The database containing fully transcribed documentary films about world cultures, and other anthropological video material
What is Ethnographic Video Online?
The MU department in which Rabia Gregory is a faculty member
What is Religious Studies?
The "humanities" subject for which grad students may be interested in LIDAR imaging
What is Anthropology?
The free online newspaper project run by the Library of Congress, where you can find pre-1923, mostly small town newspapers online
What is Chronicling America?
The way to answer the question, "If this book is an eBook at UMKC, can I access it?"
What is, "Only if you are a UMKC student."
The database containing systematically organized, but often very old, written material describing cultures around the world
What is Human Relations Area File (HRAF)?
The old or the new name of the place where primary and secondary historical materials from all over Missouri are kept, which will be moving out of the Ellis Library basement in a few months
What is the State Historical Society of Missouri or the Center for Missouri Studies?
This foundation-funded, nonpartisan public opinion polling entity regularly polls on politics, youth trends, technology usage, attitudes on timely issues, etc., and produces reports that are available free online.
What is Pew Research Center?
The African-American newspaper from Chicago that we have in full text for most of the 20th century
What is the Chicago Defender?
The single word that will drastically improve the number of primary sources among your search results, if you add it to a keyword search
What is SOURCES?
The database containing primary sources from colonial and early U.S. history, that is better BROWSED than SEARCHED
What is Early American Imprints? (Archive of Americana is acceptable)
Where is the Center for Missouri Studies being built?
What (or where) is the corner of 6th and Elm Streets?
The free online resource that aggregates lots of religious statistical and polling data
What is ARDA? (Association of Religion Data Archives,
This Chicago institution is the go-to source of archived newspapers from around the world
What is the Center for Research Libraries?
The type of search that is particularly useful if you are searching for books about a PERSON or well-known, named event such as a war
What is a SUBJECT search?