How do you know when to sign up for your Open House?
You will get an email via mail schedule
If your open house is at 11 what time should you be at the property?
After the OH house how do you know how many directional signs to pick up?
They are listed on an OH checklist sheet
How many photos must you take along with your property report?
If you can not host your OH how do you get someone to cover? What channel do we put that in?
#partner_agent_swap in slack
What day does your property have to be active by to have the open house that weekend?
What do you need to bring to your open house?
Laptop or tablet
Where do you return your OH boxes
downstairs OH room
How must the camera be held when taking the property report photos?
horizontal with camera at top right
Can you use spacio Off line with no hotspot?
Yes, you just must hit to start your OH while in wifi for it to populate then you can use it offline
Where do you sign up for your Open House at?
Name the 3 things you must do at your open house, you get an email to do these 3 things day of your OH
Property report, 3 photos, OH video
What is the one thing people forget most to bring back from their OH
Toilet Paper
Whats the google drive name of where you will upload the property photos to?
The address of the OH is the google drive name
Should there be a time you can not find three things to take property photos of?
No, even if the home doesn't have major flaws find something that buyers may not love about the home and document those
If you have to change your open house
do you
A edit the existing one
B delete it out and re add the new one
Where do you upload you OH video?
google drive called OH video
When should the property photos and OH video be in the drive by
What are the point of these photos and property report?
To show Zillow why a home may not be selling
If your OH gets cancelled morning of your OH are you required to go get the directional signs and the OH box?
Why is it so important that you sign up within 24 hours of getting the email to sign up for your OH
The property can not be taken active until the OH is signed up for
If you have more than one open house. Will there be an OH box at each of your houses?
No, only your first one and you bring the box with all the content to your next OH. Directional signs and Canvas will be at every home already set up for you
When do you get paid on doing your OH?
When the home closes
You must check off each check box in property report as you go. At the bottom there is a section for comments or notes. If there is nothing wrong with the home what do you put in this section?
Nothing you leave it blank
If you can not get into the home via sentri lock what is the code to get in via the key pad?
home is 14 main what would the code be
two plus every number in the address
3622 main if no number automatically 2