decimals, place value, geometry, measurement, problem solving, etc.
What is studied in 4th grade math?
This state standardized test will take place April 9th and April 11th
What is the ELA MCAS?
Most nights, Monday through Thursday students are asked to read for 20 minutes
When is homework given?
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1:15 pm
When do fourth graders switch for Social Studies and Science?
"Treat others the way you want to be treated"
What is the Golden Rule?
open-response writing for literature, grammar, vocabulary, elements of fiction, fiction and non-fiction writing, etc.
What is studied in 4th grade ELA?
This state standardized test takes place May 7th and May 9th
What is the math MCAS?
20 minutes per night
How long should students spend on reading in a given night?
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and most Fridays at 9:15 am
When is W.I.N. time for fourth graders?
Check with teachers for make-up work
What should a student do after an absence?
rocks and minerals, soil, adaptations, solar system, moon phases, states of matter, engineering design process, etc.
What is taught in 4th grade science?
Mrs. Duma will reward you for doing this during the MCAS test
What is using the Test Taking Strategies?
Written in the planner
Where are homework and important information recorded?
At noontime each day students go outside if it is not below 20 degrees or raining
What is recess?
Includes teaching of Second Step, 4th graders will shortly begin a unit on this subject
What is bullying?
13 colonies, map skills, 50 states and 50 capitals, etc.
What is taught in 4th grade social studies?
Reading a one minute passage bi-weekly to Ms. Kuzia or Mrs. White is for reading fluency
What is Progress Monitoring?
Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Learn
What are the school-wide expectations?
What are the combined ages of Ms. Kuzia and Mrs. White?
Art, Music, Science, Math Tech, Health, and P.E.
What are the specialists taught at Capeless?
This is the capital in Massachusetts where the MCAS are corrected
What is Boston?
M-Met the Standard, P-Partially Met the Standard, N-Not Yet
How are assignments and tests graded?
Capeless Cubs
What is the name of our mascot?
Good night's rest, breakfast, test taking strategies and a positive attitude
What does each student needs to succeed on the MCAS tomorrow?