Let's Get It Started
We Should Have Been More Civil
The 70s Had The Best Hair
"Modern" History

We started a long line of First Ladies with this woman who never got to live in the White House.

Who is Martha Washington?


The fighting in the Civil War began at this fort in the harbor of Charleston, S.C.

What is Fort Sumter?


Known as Il Duce, this Italian leader first teamed up with Hitler, but later declared war against Germany just prior to the "beginning" of WWII.  

Who was Benito Mussolini?


Walter Cronkite famously signed off each broadcast with these words.  For many families in the late 60s and early 70s, he was a trusted news anchor covering the Vietnam War.   

What is "And that's the way it is."


Reagan hilariously said, "When your neighbor loses his job, you have a recession.  When you lose your job, you have a depression, and when this American president lost his job, you get a recovery"

Who is Jimmy Carter?


Before there was even a Constitution, there was this early form of U.S. government.  Maybe you read an "article" about it once.

What was the Articles of Confederation?


You can find this infamous Civil War prison camp operated by the Confederacy about three hours west of Augusta, GA.

What is Andersonville Prison?  Both Union and Confederate POWs faced inhumane treatment while in captivity.  


Against the opinions of Churchill, Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain used this policy of conceding to some of Germany's demands in hopes of avoiding war.  This tactic is also not effective with teenagers, but it is recommended to be used often with spouses.  

What is appeasement?


A stay at this Washington hotel in 1972, could have resulted in finding bed bugs, and bugs in the lamps and phones.  It was no "peach." You might say, impeach.

What is the Watergate Hotel?


In 1996, this person became the first woman to hold the office of the Secretary of State.  

Who is Madeleine Albright?


I'll bet you $2 that you cannot tell me who Washington appointed as the first Secretary of State.  He was a real quitter, and was actually the first person to resign as the Secretary of State.  

Who was Thomas Jefferson?


This Union general drove Lincoln crazy with his failure to make several early Union victories, due to his reluctance to attack.    

Who was McClellan?


This battle occurred in May of 1945, on a small island south of Japan in the Ryukyu Islands.  After days of naval shelling by American warships, not a single Japanese casualty was recorded as they rested deep beneath the island in limestone tunnels.  

What is the Battle of Okinawa?  My grandfather was present at this battle in 1945, aboard the USS Flint.  I later lived there for two years while serving in the U.S. Air Force.  


This U.S. president is the only president to have never been voted into office for his first time AND not win a subsequent election as an incumbent president.  

Who is President Gerald Ford? I have always been more of a Chevy guy myself.  


This 2000 presidential nominee lost the election and "got fed to the gators," but speculations of voter fraud and voting machine failures would quickly follow.  You might say, it was hanging by a Chad.  

Who is Al Gore?  He had to face the "inconvenient truth" that he had not been selected as president.  


During the French and Indian War, a young British officer named George Washington lost this much "needed" fort to the French army.  

What was Fort Necessity?


Over 23,000 Americans were killed or wounded at this battle in Maryland over a two day period.  This was the largest loss of American life in U.S. history.  For reference, 2501 Americans were killed in the D-Day invasion of Normandy.  

What is the Battle of Antietam?


In October of 1944, the U.S. and Japanese navies squared off in this battle off the coast of the Philippines, known as the largest naval battle in human history.  It covered over 100,000 square miles and was participated in by 282 ships.  

What was Battle of Leyte Gulf?


Though founded in 1962, this British rock band ruled the airwaves in the 1970s with band members Brian Jones and Bill Wyman.  

Who are the Rolling Stones?  Don't start me up with puns about the is band.  I take great satisfaction in it.  Wild horse couldn't drag me away, but you can't always get what you want.


In 1992, this wealthy business man ran as an independent candidate for the president of the United States.  He received the most third party votes in recent American history.  His opponents clearly mis"calculated" his popularity.  

Who is Ross Perot?  He received over 19 million votes or 18.91% of the popular vote. Perot's appeal to mostly Republics divided the party and allowed a narrow victory by the Democrat nominee Bill Clinton.   


Henry Clay from Kentucky drafted this agreement that declared no state would enter the U.S. as a slave state North of the southern border of one Midwest state.  

What is the Missouri Compromise?


This Confederate General became famous for his heroic stand at the First Battle of Bull Run.  He would later be a victim of friendly fire, a common occurrence in the Civil War.   

Who was General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson? 


Canadian forces (and you have to love Canadians) ran bravely ashore on a beach in Normandy with this code name.  American forces landed at Utah and Omaha while British forces cleared beaches Gold and Sword.  

What is Juno?


After 1975, all passenger cars produced were required to have this smog-busting component installed.  It limited harmful emissions, horsepower, and fun.  

What is a catalytic converter?


This Augusta school was voted #1 Best Private K-12 school in the Augusta area and boasts a 100% college acceptance rate.  

What is Augusta Prep?