Money Sense
Mixed Operations
Which Operation?

If each t-shirt costs 8.99 and you wanted to buy 6 of them, how much would they cost? 



Cj's cat had 14 kittens! He wants to save two for himself, and then give the rest to his 6 friends, which operations should CJ use to split the kittens evenly?  

subtract two kittens from total and divide kittens by new total / amount of friends = 2


If I have $60, and I want 5 of my friends to share the amount evenly, which operation do I use? 



You want to buy jeans. Each pair of jeans costs $55. If you have $230, how many jeans can you buy? 

Division: 4 pairs 

Ashley had $60. Her friend Nathan, have her $20, but her friend Javen needed to borrow $15. How much money does Ashley have in total now? 

addition and subtraction: 65


If I have 6 cats, and my friend has 12, which operation do I use, to find out how many more cats my friend has then me? 


If Erik wanted to buy 7 shirts, at $20, and 5 sweaters at $60. How much money would he need to take out from his bank? 



If Erik has 10 pans of cookies, each with 20 cookies on them, how many cookies could he give to each student, in a class of 6? 

multiplication and division = 33.33 


If I have 5 pans of cookies, and 6 cookies on each pan, which operation would I use to find out how many cookies I have in total? 



If you want to buy coffee for a class of 20, and each coffee costs $3.99. How much money do you need? 



 Ms.P and Ms. N want to buy candy: they have $75. The fuzzy peaches cost 5.99, the skittles cost 8$. They want peaches and skittles for each of their 6 skittles. Can they afford to buy the peaches and skittles? 

Multiple price by number of students. Add prices together, compare to total 


If Nathan wants to split his 84 farm animals equally, amongst our PALS class of 6, which operation should he use? 



If 6 students wanted to buy a class pet--a dog that cost $450--and each contributed evenly to the cost,  how much would each student have to pay? 



Javen wants to buy 6 games, at the price of $15 each. He had $140, but lost $40 on the way to the store. Does he have enough? 

multiplication subtraction = yes 


Ashley wants to buy clothes from Ardenes: she had $75 but she bought $50 worth of clothing. What operation does she use to figure out how much money she has left? 
