Communication Norms
Expense & Mileage
Office Locations
Random Ops ?'s

After receiving a Google Calendar invite, what should you do?

Accept or decline invite


What goes in the 1st box on a mileage report? 

The box is labeled "Merchant"

The starting and ending location 

"Alamance Office to Greensboro psot office"


When requesting PEX funds for lodging what must you consider?

Most lodging facilities place a deposit hold on your card.  


If a staff member misplaces an office key, the staff should make another copy using their PEX card?  

No, the manager should notify the operations department.


When hiring an employee how many days before onboarding are the documents due?

3 business days 


Does Down Home/ We are Down Home have communication norms?



You have an employee who has submitted an expense report requesting reimbursement for a $45.00 meal. What step should you take before approving? 

Review expense and receipt matches.

Ensure staff received approval for reimbursement. 



You review a PEX transaction and see a $50 charge for gas. Do you approve?

Yes if the staff had a rental car from the organization.

No, if they put gas in a personal car


After the Elections, staff should shred all printed literature?

No! Only canvassing documents with personal information such as name, address, and phone number.


You are asked for approval from staff to use their PEX card to replace a lost laptop charger, how many can you approve in a calendar year?



What are the 6 communication tools used for internal communication?

Text, phone call, zoom, email, slack, and Google Calendar


As a manager have you reviewed all of your reports before approving?

Be honest :)


When using a PEX card for your per diem what note should you write under the transaction?

per diem- (and your department) 


travel meal-(and your department)

**When this is not noted the meal is deducted from your department budget. 


If a maintaince emergency occurs after hours you should contact Dreama or Todd?

No, you should contact the Operations Manager.


After ____ consecutive sick days a doctor's note is required.



What is the primary internal communication tool?



If a staff needs to correct an expense and/or mileage report, how do you do that?

The staff must "recall" the report and resubmit


If a staff member's card is missing or lost, what would you advise them to do?

Contact PEX customer service 


If you locate mail for WDH/DHNC at an office what should you do?

Send to the appropriate PO Box

WDH-PO Box 10671 Greensboro, NC 27404

DHNC-PO Box 41262 Greensboro, NC 27404


What is the best practice when printing?

Use office printers for small print jobs

Use Office Depot's print code when possible         80114389954

Submit orders to outside approved vendors, such as Barefoot Print

Seek a supervisors guidance 


What should you do when sending an important email that requires a quick response?

You should use URGENT or PLEASE RESPOND ASAP in the subject line.


What should you do if a staff member submits mileage from the last 6 months?

You should speak to your supervisor for guidance. 


On Saturday a staff member reaches out to you needing funds loaded on their PEX card, what would you do?

The manager or director should use their PEX card to make the purchase. 

*Discuss with staff the importance of planning. 


While having a 1:1 the guest tripped and fell, what are the appropriate steps? 

1. Seek emergency care if needed

2. Contact your supervisor and the Operations manager ASAP

3. Take pictures and write a statement, including the guest's name and contact information.


All invoices, childcare contractors, vendors, and consultants are paid twice a month, on what two dates?

The 15th and 30th excluding weekends and/or holidays.