Positive + Positive equals this type of answer
What is a Positive Answer?
This is the 3 word rule for Subtracting Integers
What is Keep, Change, Opposite?
Same Signs will always result in this type of integer
A Positive Integer?
15 + 15
What is the same sign?
Mr Bria's favorite color
What is purple?
Negative + Negative equals this type of answer
What is a Negative answer?
What is the Opposite?
Different Signs will always result in this type of Integer
What is a Negative Integer?
-16 + 7
What are different signs?
The room number you are sitting in.
What is 307?
Same Signs require THIS OPERATION of the absolute values involved
What is Addition?
A Negative Integer ( - ) A Positive Integer will always result in this
What is a Negative Integer?
True or False: Multiplying and Dividing Integers have the SAME rules when finding the sign of its product or quotient
What is True?
-9 - -8
What are different signs?
Something you should do every day.
What is homework?
Different Signs require THIS OPERATION of the two absolute values involved
What is Subtraction
A Positive Number ( - ) A number with a greater absolute value will always result in this
What is a Negative Number?
A Fraction is always means this operation
What is division?
12 - 15
What are different signs?
Everyone's favorite subject.
What is math?
A Positive Number + It's Negative Opposite will always result in this number
What is zero?
True or False: I change the first number to its opposite when subtracting integers
What is False?
When using long division to solve a division problem represented by a fraction, This number goes inside the house
What is the top number (numerator)?
-10 + -15
What is the same sign?
We are excited never to see this person again!
Who is Ms Cooney?