Physical Effects
History Of
MAT Facts
What's in a Name?

In 1898, Bayer developed this by adding an extra chemical group to morphine to make it more soluble in fat and enter the brain faster.

What is heroin?


If you are using a needle to get your fix, these are possible diseases or infections you may receive.

What is HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B or C?


Opioid addiction emerged as a serious problem among Civil War veterans after that war.  The other group with high rates of opioid addiction during that time consisted of immigrants from this country.

What is China?


This side effect of morphine caused researchers to look for an alternative treatment for opioid addiction.

What is sedation?


This is the first drug approved by the FDA for treatment of opioid addiction in private physician's offices.

What is buprenorphine?


This is the first person to talk with if you want to request a dose increase.

What is your Recovery Coordinator?


The length of time the effects of most opiates are felt by the user are very similar.  There are two exceptions:  Methadone is one, as it is very long acting.  This exception is very short acting.

What is Fentanyl?


By the end of the 19th century, 2/3 of Americans addicted to opioids belonged to this group.

What is middle to upper class Caucasian women?


The half life of methadone varies a great deal between individuals, but this is the average range.

What is 24 to 36 hours?


This class of drugs is very dangerous when used with methadone.

What are benzodiazepines?


This is where you should go if you don't know your place in the dosing line.

What is the end of the line?


This short term effect of opiates is usually the cause of death in an overdose.

What is suppression of breathing?


In 1958, a joint committee of the American Bar Association and the American Medical Association recommended the establishment of an outpatient treatment facility to treat opioid addiction.  This was the primary treatment used.

What is prescribing opioids in a controlled manner?


Prior to this, any physician with a DEA registration could prescribe methadone for either addiction or for pain management.

What is the Narcotic Treatment Act?


What is 1974?


A partial agonist that is widely used for treatment of opioid use disorder.

What is buprenorphine?


This is who decides if your request for take homes will be approved.

What is the OTP Treatment Team?


Two negative effects of long-term use of an opioid.

What are any two of the following:  difficulty concentrating, difficulty sleeping, sexual difficulties, constipation.


This caused a declined of the rate of opioid addiction during World War II.

What are restrictions on shipping?


What is strict port security?


In 1972, oversight of OTPs shifted from the FDA to this organization.

What is SAMHSA?


This very effective opioid antagonist is only used with highly motivated patients, as the drop out rate is very high.

What is Naltrexone?


The Administrative Director of this OTP.

Who is Dr. Ferrell?


Overdose is a major risk of a single use of heroin.  This is another major risk.

What are contaminants?


In the late 1970's Mexican and American Governments tried to put an end to illegal narcotic sales by spraying poppy fields with this.

What is Agent Orange.


This form of treatment has been shown to bring about the greatest reduction in heroin use, the greatest reduction in criminal activity, and the greatest reduction in the need for health care among people addicted to opioids.

What is methadone maintenance treatment?


There are two synthetic opioids that are long acting full opioid agonists that are approved for treatment of opioid addiction.  One is methadone.  This is the other one.

What is LAAM?