Key figures
Legal documents/policies/programs
Basic Information

This is the California State governor who vetoed the Opportunity for all Act

Who is Gavin Newsom?


This program allows eligible undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children (before the age 16) to defer deportation and obtain work permits.

What is DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals)?


This is the group of institutions that passing Opportunity for All would be impacting

What are California Public Universities?


This is the percent low-income undocumented students newly enrolled in the University of California and California State University has dropped between 2016-17 and 2022-23

What is 50%?


This center at the UCLA School of Law has been working in collaboration with the Labor Center throughout the Opportunity for All Campaign

What is the Center for Immigration Law and Policy?


This Act proposed granting undocumented youth who finished high school in the U.S. and wanted to attend a U.S. post-secondary institution a conditional pathway to citizenship, which would require employment, education, and military service

What is the DREAM (Development Relief and Education for Alien Minors) Act?


This is the direct impact of this bill being enacted into law

What is CA public universities being able to hire students for campus jobs regardless of immigration status?


Approximately how many undocumented students  attend California public colleges and universities

What is 55,000?


This is the group with the acronym “USN” that launched a hunger strike to coincide with the opening of the January Regents Meeting that addressed campus employment for undocumented students

What is the Undocumented Student-Led Network?


This act introduced civil and criminal penalties to employers who knowingly hired undocumented immigrants or individuals unauthorized to work in the U.S.

Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986

(Simpson-Mazzoli Act or the Reagan Amnesty)


This is the act that the Opportunity for All campaign is based on the legal interpretation of

What is the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986?


How much higher was the unemployment rate for undocumented individuals compared to documented individuals during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic

What is 15%?


This is the author of Assembly Bill 2586, Opportunity for All Act, which allows equal access for students in public colleges in California (UC, CSU, CCC) for employment despite their immigration status

Who is Assemblyman David Alvarez (D-San Diego)?


Recent Assembly bill authored/sponsored by Assembly member David Alvarez that would have provided equal access to employment opportunities for all students

What is AB2586?


This is the Senate Committee that the bill was passed through in a 5-1 vote

What is the Senate Education Committee?


How did the pursuit of the DREAM Act influence the development and strategies of the Immigrant Youth Movement Today

What is became the catalyst for organized grassroots?

What is created visibility for undocumented struggles?


This person determined that the 1986 law that put in place a restriction barring undocumented immigrants from working was never written to apply to the states of the United States or their affiliated higher education institutions

Who is Ahilan Arulanantham (faculty co-director of the Center for Immigration Law and Policy (CILP))?


This is the name of the suspended Regents Policy 4407 which commits the University of California to providing equitable access to quality higher education for all of its students regardless of immigration status

Policy on Equitable Student Employment Opportunities


This is by how much the California Legislature passed the Opportunity for All bill  by

What is a  41-7 Assembly vote?


What is one way that social inequality and discrimination are promoted through Newsom’s veto

What is perpetuation of immigration-based discrimination?

What is the lack of recognition of undocumented student’s contributions?