what & why
OA emotions
opposite action
mental health trivia

True or false: Doing The Opposite can invalidate your feelings.

what is false


using opposite action for fear/anxiety would you:

a. gently avoid

b. get active

c. approach

d. face the music 

what is c. approach


True or false: Negative emotions tend to make you do the same thing over & over to make the bad feelings go away.

what is true


True or False: Acting contrary to your feelings will give you a sense of negativity. 

what is false?


What sport uses the term "love" for zero?

What is Tennis


The pain of losing is psychologically about _____ times as painful as the pleasure of profits. 


What is 2?


True or false: acting on anger with loud accusations might feel good for a moment, but in the long run it damages relationships & leads to more anger, not less. And turning down invitations & staying home when you’re depressed will tend to make you more depressed, not less.

What is true


using opposite action for shame would you:

a. let go of controlling others actions

b. get active

c. approach

d. face the music or go public

what is d. face the music or go public


True or False: Pushing through your painful feelings to Do The Opposite of your usual emotional behaviors will let you in on a valuable secret about difficult feelings:

What is true?


True or false: If you’re happy, the emotion drives you to shut down & withdraw repeatedly. It’s easy to get trapped in

what is false


What's the largest number of children birthed by one woman?

What is 69


____% of people text things they can’t say in person.

what is 90%


Giving into action urges actually leads to _____ emotional intensity, not _____.

What is more not less


using opposite action for anger would you:

a. gently avoid

b. get active

c. approach

d. face the music 

what is a. gently avoid


How long does it usually take to make a habit of Doing The Opposite.

What is several months?


You’re telling yourself how you’re feeling. In this way, your posture, tone & gestures create a ________ loop that reinforces depression, anxiety, shame & other moods

What is feeback.


What fruit is made up of 92% water?

What is Watermelon


The way you dress has a connection with your ________.

What is mood.


Your feelings – all of them – are legitimate & valid. But you can _______ not to act on them

what is choose


Name 1 of the best ways when opposite action works?

hint: only 2 ways

What is

The emotion does NOT FIT THE FACTS.

The opposite action is done ALL THE WAY.


What % of your meaning is conveyed by the words you choose.

What is 40%


Emotional communicators work in 2 directions: _______ to your audience & ______ to yourself.

What is outward and inward?


What is the lifespan of a taste bud?

What is 10-14 days


People between the ages of ___-___ are the most stressed in the world.

(around a 10 year span)

What is 18-33


Doing The Opposite directly targets what?

What is avoidance?

Name 1 of the seven steps for opposite action with emotions?

What is:

1.Figure out the emotion you are feeling.

2.What is the action URGE that goes with the emotion?

3.Ask yourself: Does the emotion fit the facts in the situation? If yes, will acting on the emotion’s urge be effective?

4.Ask yourself: Do I want to change the emotion?

5.If yes, figure out the OPPOSITE ACTION.

6.Do the opposite action—ALL THE WAY!

7.Repeat acting in the opposite way until the emotion goes down enough for you to notice.


What are emotional communicators?

What is the words, gestures, postures, facial expressions & tones of voice that communicate how you feel.


Name 1 tip for opposite action

What is:

·Select an easier person or situation to start with.

·Create reminders so you won’t forget to follow through on your commitment.

·Share your plan & commitment to someone who cares about you.

·Do part, but not all, of what you planned & then gradually do more.


What US state accidentally banned all marriage by wording a law incorrectly?

What is Mississippi


___% of the time when someone says they’ve to ask you a question, you recall all the bad things you’ve done recently.

what is 98%