What is optimism?
Ability to be positive in face of adversity
What chemical does the body naturally produce that makes you happier?
Is smiling scientifically contagious
If Coach Swarers smiles at Christopher is he more or les likely to smile back
What song embodies optimism
Happy by Pharrell Williams
What is dopamine
Optimistic thinking is often linked to this neurotransmitter, known as the "feel-good chemical."
What scents make you happier
Floral scents
Optimists are ALWAYS happy
If jack got a promotion at his job what emotion did he radiate the most?
What is the most uplifting movie that is also a Christmas movie.
It’s a wonderful life
American scientists recently studied an old photo of a team of baseball players and found that those who smiled in the picture they ____
Lived longer
How many time more likely is it for a man to smile than a women
7 times
Optimism is something your born with
False but genetics can play a role
If someone tells you that they are a glass half full type of person, what do they mean by this.
They see the bright side of things, they are optimistic
What is a group of people that makes you happier that is also a TV show
Happiest helps with the health of what organs of your body?
The heart
How many types of smiles are there
Money makes people more optimistic
If coach swearers drops his favorite energy drink and spills it he has 2 options for a reactions, what are they?
To react like a optimist or pessimistic
What holiday makes people the happiest
Happiness increases the chance of ___ at your job
Smiling can boost ___ in the human body
immune system
If you become disabled you will never return to your former level of happiness
Is Sarah smelled a rose candle vs a pumpkin candle which would make her happier
The rose candle.
Happy hour at sonic is from _____