Surgical Smoke
Medication Management
Malignant Hyperthermia
Wrong-site surgery

Surgical smoke is created by use of (name two):

What is a laser, saw, ESU, ultrasonic device.


The first hour of general anesthesia drops the body's core temp. by roughly _________ degrees C.

What is 1 to 1.6 degrees C.


In addition to the drug name, what other 2 pieces of information must be communicated about a medication when it is passed onto the sterile field?

What is drug strength and expiration date


True or false: Increased end-tidal CO2 and tachycardia are early indications of an MH crisis.

What is true


The surgical specialty that has the most wrong-site surgeries.

What is orthopedics.


Smoke generated during laparoscopy that is absorbed by the pt. can elevate certain vital sign readings:

What is pulse oximetry.


What percent of pts. are hypothermic when entering the PACU:

What is 50%


What 2 items does this "label" contain that is now considered inappropriate abbreviations? .5cc 1:1,000 Epinephrine

What is .5 should be 0.5 and cc should be ml


There should be ______ vials of dantrolene immediately accessible to deliver the inital dose.

What is 36 vials.


The best way to mark the surgical site.

What is surgeon's initials.


According to the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, surgical smoke should be evacuated and filtered:

What is whenever it is produced.


True or false: Pts. who are hypothermic are 3 times as likely to suffer a surgical site infection.

What is True


Which vials do we use that are considered multiuse vials?

What is none of them, this includes prep solutions. It can lead to cross contamination.

Eye Drops for up to 28 days.


What fluid is Dantrolene reconstituted with?

What is sterile water


The time when a time-out should occur.

What is after the patient is prepped and draped and before the knife, needle or scope is handed to the surgeon.

Name two health effects of repeated exposure to surgical smoke:
What is eye, nose and throat irritation, fatigue and allergies.

What are the temp. that we set in our blanket warmer cabinets:

What is 110 degrees F.


When is the appropriate time to label a medication container on the sterile field?

What is as the medication or fluid is delivered to the field.


Name 2 of the volatile gaseous inhalation anesthetics that may trigger an MH crisis:

What is sevoflurane, desflurane, isoflurane, halothane enflurane, methoxyflurane.


Three of the things that must be stated during the time-out process.

What is pt. identity, name of procedure, position, site marking, allergies, antibiotics. And site marking should be visible, and circulator should be visibly viewing the consent and verifying the information.

An effective operating room ventilation system should provide this many air exchanges over 24 hours.
What is 15 exchanges.

What device is supposed to be used to help maintain a patient's core temperature:

What is the Bairpaws.


Why is it unlikely that a surgeon will ask for a local medication containing epinephrine when they are doing a hand case?

What is the epinephrine will cause vasoconstriction which can cause vascular compromise to the fingers.


The depolarizing muscle relaxant that can trigger an MH crisis.

What is succinylcholine.


Wrong-site surgery is considered this type of event.

What is sentinal event.