It is recommended you brush your teeth __ times a day
what is 2
what are some instruments used in oral care
what is a toothbrush, dental floss, healthy foods?
A decayed part of the tooth
What is a cavity?
How often should you visit the dentist?
What is 6-12 months
what motion do you use when brushing your teeth
What is a circular motion?
What sort of snacks form sticky plaque that increases the risk of cavities?
What are starchy and sugary snacks
What is used in toothpaste to help protect our teeth
What is Fluoride
what do you put on your toothbrush
What is toothpaste?
A serious gum infection that can degrade the jawbone if left untreated
What is Periodontal Disease (Gum disease)
What does the FDI World Federal Dental Association define oral health as
What is health of the mouth
how long should you brush your teeth for?
What is 2-3 minutes?
What liquid is used to help stay hydrated? It also helps moisturize your mouth, neutralize acid, and wash away food debris.
What is water?
What is the name of the microorganism that cause the most oral complications
what is Plaque
does brushing your teeth get rid of cavities?
What is no?
What sort of foods are recommended to help strengthen your teeth? Give an example
What is foods high in calcium and vitamin D (beans, milk, fish, yogurt)