Folk Tale
Oral History
Ashputtle was a dark, morbid Cinderella tale that the sisters cut off their toes and heels to be the next queen.
What Cinderella story did we read as a class?
Lazy Peter convinces people that his hat is magical.
What is Lazy Peter's con?
Oral History are stories based on historical events.
What is Oral History?
A myth explains some kind of natural phenomenon in the creation of the world.
What is a myth?
The fairy godmother character were the doves.
Who represents the fairy godmother in Ashputtle?
The druggist and priest were innocent bystanders in Lazy Peter's scam that handed over his money when he entered their establishments.
What is the plan to play out the con?
Scrooge learned that people are more important to have in your life than money.
What is the lesson that Scrooge learned in The Christmas Carol?
Odin gave up his eye to save his people.
What is the sacrifice made by Odin?
Auntie Lilly is the only person in the village that treated the beggar with kindness.
Who helped the beggar?
The fox discovered it's not your size that wins wars.
What is the lesson the fox learned?
Scrooge was visited by three ghosts: past, present, and future.
What is people that visit Scrooge that change his life?
Theseus fought the minotaur so his people could be free.
What is the heroic act that Theseus engaged in?
The lesson behind the bucket of gold is kindness pays off.
What is the lesson taught by the bucket of gold?
The grasshopper got all the insects to help him defeat the fox and his friends by stinging them.
What is the ammunition the might grasshopper used to defeat the fox?
Wambuna was the fairest maiden in the village.
What is reason Kelfala wanted to marry Wambuna?
Phaethon wanted to prove that Zeus Helios was his father by driving the sun chariot.
What is the choice Phaethon made that could have been detrimental to world?
The simile he smelled like a walking pig wallow describes to the reader how badly he smelled.
What is the simile describing the beggar's scent?
Folk tales are different from fables because they are primarily for entertainment while fables teach a lesson.
What is the primary difference between folk tales and fables?
Kelfala placed a rat in the cooking pot to try to get Wambuna to talk.
What is the plan to get Wambuna to talk?
Prometheus gave man fire, which defied Zeus' wishes.
What is the present Prometheus gave man?