This is the symbol for a beat of silence...
A rest
The lowest notes in an orchestra are played by THIS instrument... (Hint: lower than a cello)
String Bass
The wooden stick to play your instrument...
The bow
V =
Up bow.
This is appropriate concert attire...
White top, black bottom, dark shoes
This symbol looks like a hashtag...
A sharp.
Two of THESE equals a quarter note...
Eighth note
The hairs on your bow are from THIS animal...
Between concerts you will be preparing for ________ tests/assessments.
Playing tests (Performance Assessments).
This symbol looks like a lowercase "b"...
THIS many notes are in a musical scale...
8 (Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do)
The wooden piece holding up the strings in the middle...
You always begin a new measure or piece with this kind of bow...
Down bow.
You can always find extra lesson schedules on the...
It makes the note longer.
These 2 notes are SHARP in D Major...
F # and C #
The bow should be between the bridge and the...
The difference between a slur and a tie...
Tie connects notes that are the same, slurs connect notes that are different.
These are the required supplies for Orchestra class...
Folder and sheet music, pencil, and instrument
Pitches outside of the staff are on THESE kind of lines...
Ledger lines
The names of all three clefs we read are...
Treble Clef, Bass Clef, Alto Clef
Two ways to tune our instruments...
Pegs and fine tuners
Staccato means...
Short and separated.
These are the 4 things you are graded on (categories on your syllabus)...
Classwork, Concerts, Playing Tests, Citizenship