How many different instruments are there in a string orchestra?
What is 4?
Part of the instrument that vibrates to make sound. Hint: you have four of them
What are strings?
Major key signature that has two sharps.
What is D major?
Tells us to play smooth and connected.
What is legato?
Three materials you need to bring with you everyday.
What are instrument, music, and pencil?
Who keeps the orchestra together?
What is the conductor?
Part of the instrument that you hold.
What is the neck?
Major key signature that has one sharp.
What is G major?
Tells us to play short and separate.
First thing you do when you enter the classroom.
What is look at the board/agenda?
What is the leader of the orchestra called?
What is the concertmaster?
Part of the instrument you use to tune you strings. If you turn too far, you might break a string.
What are pegs?
Major key signature that has no sharps or flats.
What is C major?
This word tells us that one person plays the top part and the other plays the bottom part.
What is divisi?
Your teacher does this to signal that class has started.
What is stand on the podium?
In a full orchestra, which instrument gives the tuning note?
Part of the instrument that holds up the strings.
What is the bridge?
What is D minor?
This tells us to play at a relatively fast pace.
What is Allegro?
How many weeks (at least) to let your orchestra teacher know you can't make it to a concert.
What is two weeks?
What four instrument families are in a full orchestra?
What is strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion?
Part of the instrument that is inside the instrument.
What is the soundpost?
Key signature that uses all the notes?
What is a chromatic scale?
This tells us to play in a singing way.
What is Cantabile?
The source to all the information regarding CMS Orchestras that you have access to.
What is the Student Handbook?