Music Theory
String Instrument Care
Ensemble Maintenence
String Instrument Care 2

A note that is worth a single beat in 4/4 time and is called "ta" in ta-ka-di-mi.

What is a Quarter Note?


A marking that tells you the speed of the music or beat.

What is tempo?


One of the many things you must do when you are finished playing that does not involve the main body of your instrument.

What is loosening my bow?


Being respectful to your fellow musicians and being on task.

What is present and focused?

The part of your instrument that you may lay your cello or bass on when not playing it and one done with rehearsal.

What is the side of my instrument?

A duration of note that takes up an entire measure of 4/4 time.

What is a whole note?


A marking in your music that tells you when to perform silence.

What is a rest?


A sticky substance applied a little everyday to ensure your instrument makes a good sound. Too much can be bad though.

What is rosin?


Being on time, with all your equipment and ready to play for rehearsal. It is also the Sound Motto.

What is being prepared?


The only 2 places where your violin or viola can be kept at all times.

What is in your hand or in your case?


A note duration that lasts 2 beats in 4/4 time.

What is a half note?


A family of markings that tell you at what volume to play the music.

What is a dynamic?


A place you store your instrument after wiping it off, loosening your bow and taking your shoulder rest off.

What is on the rack?


A determining factor in your individual success.

What is my support of others?


The place you store all of your music.

What is in your black 1/2 inch or 1 inch binder?


A note duration that is sometimes called 'ta' and sometimes 'di' in ta-ka-di-mi, depending on where it is.

What is an 8th note?


A part of the instrument that sounds like it should hop around like a small amphibian.

What is the frog?

The amount of sound that begins causing permanent hearing damage over long periods of time.

What are 90 Decibels?


The three things that make up your rehearsal skills grade.

What are 'Use of Sound & Silence', 'Equipment Use' and 'Preparation'?


A task completed prior to playing your instrument when cheeto dust is the enemy and rosin is plenty sticky.

What is wash your hands?


A kind of marking that tells you what you can expect to see inside of the following measures.

What is a time signature?


The oldest kind of string instrument that is still in use in this class. It is the origin of the other 3 we use in orchestra.

What is a viola?


A part of your instrument that you must never touch with your fingers, is sticky and comes from horses.

What is my bow hair?


Supporting other people is within this. Mistakes that have already been made are outside of this. 

What is in my control?


2 pieces of equipment that are essential to any rehearsal on any instrument. One must be put away on a rack when done and the other is the only piece that stays our at the end of a rehearsal.

What is a stand and a chair?