When was the Order of the Arrow created?
What is the first honor level and how does one earn it?
You become and Arrowmen by completing your ordeal
What are the 3 principles of the OA?
Brotherhood, cheerfulness, and service
What is the OA that our village holds are a camporee?
A call out ceremony
What is the name of the lodge our village is a part of?
Yerba Buena
What did the Order of the Arrow start as?
A camp honor society
What is the second honor level and what does the sash look like?
The Brotherhood sash consists of a red arrow with 2 bars at the end on a white background
What are the 3 W's
Wimachtendienk Wingolauchsik Witahemui
What is our village level fun event/ meeting called?
Which Council does our lodge serve?
Golden Gate Area + a little bit of other councils.
Where was the OA started?
Treasure Island scout camp
How long does one have to wait after their ordeal to attempt to become a Brotherhood member
6 months
Who are the four principles in the ceremonies
Allowat Sakima, Nanitucket, Metau, and Kitchkinet
What 4 camps hold OA High Adventure
The summit, Seabase, Northern Tier, and Philmont?
How many cities does our village cover?
Who started the the OA?
E. Urner Goodman and Carrol A Edson
What is the final Honor level
Vigil honor
What role does Metau play in the ceremonies?
The Medicine man
What is a common village event?
Go Karting
When was our lodge founded?
June 1, 2020
When was the first NOAC?
What is the highest award that national can give to an arrowmen
the distinguished service award
What Role does Allowat play in the ceremonies?
The Chief
What is the name of our village?
Who is the Lodge's mascot?