Order Files
Order Confirmation Discrepancy
Missing 810's
Items Not Filled By Vendor

Contains information such as order number, account type, and item count.

What is 850 (Order Details)


One common reason an item is rejected by the wholesaler

What is wrong item number


This field in Order History will be blank if an 810 was not received

What is Delivered Date


The customer will need to contact this party, to confirm availability of items

What is the Vendor or Wholesaler


Macro Helix emails this to the client during order process

What is a 855 (Order Confirmation)


When sending cases to EDI for order confirmation discrepancies, what information should be included in the case (provide one)

What is PID, Acct number, Vendor, PO Number, Date of order submission, item number, NDC


Use this SOP for assistance with failed orders due to Missing 810's

What is Missing 810's


One reason an items confirmed quantity would be zero

What is Vendor/Wholesaler is out of stock or unavailable


Macro Helix can populate the "Delivered Date" and decrement accumulations once this is received.

What is a 810 (Order Invoice)


For customers that use McKesson as a wholesaler, you can go here to check the order

What is SAP


One main reason 810's are needed

What is to decrement accumulations


In Order History, you can check this section to verify the quantities confirmed by the Vendor/Wholesaler

What is Confirmation and Purchase Details


This is created by the Vendor or Macro Helix Order Builder

What is an 850 (Order Details)


Do this after receiving your order confirmation discrepancy case back from EDI

What is ask the client to submit a new order


For failed orders, if the order was _______ by the wholesaler, a case will need to go to IT to determine why the 810 was not received

What is received 


If an item has "Unknown" in the Confirmed NDC column of the Confirmation and Purchase Details screen, you should go to this SOP to further research

What is Order Confirmation Discrepancy