An item used to start fires.
Buffalo __ __ __ __ __
Buffalo chips
Three ways to cross the river.
What is 1.Emigrants could use a ferry, (some ferries were operated by Native Americans, some were operated by the Mormons and other entrepreneurs). 2. They could caulk their wagons and float them across the river. 3. They could ford the river. 4. They could swim across the river. 5. They could use one of the few bridges that were in place.
The starting point of the Oregon trail journey.
What is Independence, Missouri.
The widespread exchange of plants, animals. ideas, technology, cultural practices, and diseases between the old world and the new world.
What is Columbia Exchange?
Item that held the Ox or Mule to the wagon
Hint: egg
What is a yoke
Two reasons why the Pioneers traveled to the west
What is land, wanted gold, hunting, trade, and fur.
The synonym for wagon
What is Prairie Schooner
Means you are separated from others; without interaction
What is isolated?
Buffalo were often used for many reasons, name one.
What is for their meat, buffalo chips, for their fur
The century in which the journey on the Oregon Trail began
What is 1800's.
The act of crossing a river by foot is called
The Columbian exchange was started by this man.
Who is Christopher Columbus?
Hats made from beaver skin were a sign of this.
Aside from Cholera, what was another danger on the Oregon Trail?
Native Americans, Wagon Mishaps, Dysentary, Weather
Pioneers often had to cross large bodies of water such as rivers and lakes. If they had money, what could they use to help them cross?
The length of time it took pioneers to travel the entire Oregon Trail
What is 5-6 months
Extreme shortage or scarcity of food.
Starts with an F.
What is Famine?
Item from the wagon Pioneers apply to their chapped lips.
__ __ __ __ grease
What is axle grease?
Land that is completely dry and lacking water for a long period of time
What is a drought
FREE QUESTION- What college does Ms. Solis go to?
Synonym for Native Americans
To breed or train animals to be cared for by humans, and possibly to work or produce food for humans.
What is domesticate?