Reaction A1
What is HX Addition?
Reaction B1
What is Addition of Water to an Alkene?
Reaction C1
What is Reduction of an Alkene?
Reaction D1
What is Dehydrohalogenation?
Reaction E1
What is Addition of HBr to an Alkene?
Reaction A2
What is Dehydrohalogenation?
Reaction B2
What is Hydroxylation?
Reaction C2 (Must have conditions)
What is KMnO4 Oxidative Cleavage?
One of the D2 Reactions
What is HX Addition?
What is X2 Addition?
Reaction E2
What is Bromination?
Reaction A3
What is Dehydration?
Reaction B3
What is Dichlorocarbene Addition?
Reaction C3 (Must have conditions)
What is Ozone Addition Oxidative Cleavage?
One of the D3 Reactions
What is Catalytic Hydrogenation?
What is Oxidative Cleavage?
Reaction E3
What is Halides from Alcohols?
Reaction A4
What is X2 Addition?
Reaction B4
What is Simmons-Smith Reaction?
Reaction C4
What is Oxidative Cleavage of 1,2-diols?
Reaction D4
What is Acetyl ion Alkylation?
One of the E4 Reactions
What is Reaction of 1o and 2o Alcohols?
Reaction A5
What is Halohydrin Formation?
Reaction B5
What is Non-Markovnikov Addition?
Specific Reaction C5 (Must find products)
What is Propanoic Acid and CO2?
One of the D5 Reactions
What is Mercuric Sulfate-Catalyzed Hydration?
What is Hydroboration?
Reaction E5
What is Grignard Reaction?