School Organization
Organization Habits
Time Management
Organization Skills
True or False You should clean out your binders/folders at least every month

How can you be successful in school, work and life?

Be organized


What is time management?

Any answer goes!


What are organization skills?

Organization skills enable people to plan and carry on activities effectively. To put order to a situation, objects, or people.

Your binder is a mess, what do you do?
Organize it

If you have 4 classes how many binders is it smart to have?

4 or 2 with 2 dividers in each 


why does an organized desk/binder help ?

It helps because when working on multiple projects you will know where everything is and less time looking for stuff.


How can you improve your time management?

Planning is the key. As much as you hate to admit it, making lists of things to do, taking the time to think and plan for the next day, the next week, the next month, is critical in taking control of your own time.


True or False - Bad organization skills lead to procrastination and/or lack of motivation ?



You have to study for a major test on Wednesday and quiz on Monday, which one should you study for first? Think about what you would do 

Explain your answer ... it could be different for everyone 


Why do you have more free time when you stay organized at school?

-Since all your notes would be in your binder you wouldn't have to waste time asking people for lost notes -Stay up to date with projects and assignments


how does being organized help you?

I'll accept any and all answers!


Explain how time management helps you have more time on your hands?

Since your not procrastinating your able to get the job done faster, leaving more time to yourself


True or False You should postpone major tasks for minor ones


You have a test tomorrow but your football game is tonight and you haven't studied, what should you do?
Study when you get home from school and wake up earlier the next day to study

True or False - A school's organizational structures can go a long way toward promoting student learning.



How does organization help you get work done ?

Again...I'll accept any answers 


What can managing your time effectively do for you?

Reach your goals • Accomplish what is most important • Live out your values, maintain balance • Meet deadlines • Reduce and manage stress • Work smarter instead of harder • Control your time • Perform academically • Have the time of your life without guilt!


How does organization help you in your daily life?

Have more time, spend time wisely, handle stress, and handle change.


You're starting to become over whelmed with the amount of work you have to and don't know where to start... what is something you can do? 

Prioritize and create a to-do list or checklist


True or False - Keeping track of when I have tests or due dates and when I am going to study can help relieve stress 


What are the 6 Habits of Organization? 

1. Keep it Simple

2. Develop Routines 

3. Put everything in its place 

4. Keep a to-do list 

5. Don't be a perfectionist 

6. Toss and purge routinely


What is the definition of time-management? 

the ability to use ones time effectively and productively


What are some of the tools we listed for organization? 

Making a list, using a planner/calendar/smartphone Making schedules


It's Tuesday after school and you have just finished an assignment that is due on Thursday, you have 1 more work sheet you need to do for homework but you're really tired and need a break but you can't remember when the worksheet is due. What do you do? 

Check your calendar, take a small brain break!