School Organization
Study Skills
Time Management
Organization Skills
True or False You should clean out your binders/folders at least every month
How can you be successful in the school?
Be organized
What is time management?
Time management is the ability to plan and control how you spend the hours in your day to effectively accomplish your goals.
What are organization skills?
Organization skills enable people to plan and carry on activities effectively. To put order to a situation, objects, or people.
You're binder is a mess, what do you do?
Organize it! Make tabs, folders, and sort homework into different subjects or by the due date.
If you have 4 classes how many binders is it smart to have?
why does an organized desk help?
It helps because when working on multiple projects you will know where everything is and less time looking for stuff.
How can you improve your time management?
Planning! Making lists of things to do, taking the time to think and plan for the next day, the next week, the next month, is critical in taking control of your own time.
True or False Bad organization skills lead to procrastination?
You have to study for a major test on Wednesday and quiz on Monday, which one should you study for first?
The major test
Why do you have more free time when you stay organized at school?
-Since all your notes will be in your binder you won't have to waste time asking people for lost notes. -Stay up to date with projects and assignments.
What does it mean to come to class prepared?
Arriving on time with your pencil, notebook, and homework.
Explain how time management helps you have more time on your hands?
Since your're not procrastinating you can get your work done faster, leaving more time to yourself
True or False You should postpone major tasks for minor ones.
You have a test tomorrow but your football game is tonight and you haven't studied, what should you do?
Study when you get home from school and wake up earlier the next day to study.
True or False You should memorize your homework assignments.
False! You should write them down or take a photo for later. Your memory is not perfect.
What is a better way to pay attention to the teacher?
Listening skills.
What can managing your time effectively enable for you?
Reach your goals • Accomplish what is most important • Live out your values, maintain balance • Meet deadlines • Reduce and manage stress • Work smarter instead of harder • Control your time • Perform academically • Have the time of your life without guilt!
How does organization help you in your daily life?
-You will have more time to enjoy your life. -You will be more sucessfull in school. -You will be more prepared for your future.
Your teacher has asked you to do a worksheet you forgot to do during the day but you don't have enough time to complete it in class. What should you do?
Complete it as soon as you arrive home or offer to come in earlier the next day.
What are three ways to organize your school work?
-binders -folders -notebooks
This is the ability to complete schoolwork efficiently.
Time Management
What are 5 very helpful tips to manage your time and stay organized?
1.Carry a schedule and record all your thoughts, conversations and activities for a week. 2.Any activity or conversation that's important to your success should have a time assigned to it. 3.Plan to spend at least 50 percent of your time engaged in the thoughts, activities and conversations that produce most of your results. 4.Schedule time for interruptions. 5.Take the first 30 minutes of every day to plan your day.
What are 3 things you can do/use to stay organized?
Make a list Use a planner/calendar/smartphone Make a schedule
You're trying to better your organization skills, what do you do?
Anything we've named on our prezi