This is the meaning for the fun acronym B.I.B.L.E.
This is the number of books in the Old Testament.
What is 39.
This is the number of years spent writing the books we know today as the Bible.
What is 1500-2000 years.
This is the number of books in the New Testament.
What is 27.
This disciple was a tax collector and wrote the first of the 4 Gospels
Who is Matthew.
This is the total number of books in the Bible.
What is 66.
The first 5 books of the Bible are known as the The Law of "who".
Who is Moses.
Jesus was doing this in the boat when the storm rose on the Sea of Galilee.
What is sleeping.
This book is the only prophecy book in the New Testament.
What is Revelations.
This is the total number of disciples who followed Jesus.
What is 12.
What is the King James Bible.
This number of books were written to explain the history of God's people from the conquest of the Promise Land to the return of the Israelites to their land.
What is 12.
Jesus fed this food to 5000 people.
What is fish and bread.
This book is the only history book in the New Testament.
What is Acts.
Who is Peter.
There were approximately this number of authors who wrote the Bible.
What is 40.
In these books, people were called to live godly lives NOW and prophesized about Christ and the people of Israel.
What are the prophets (Major and Minor)
Jesus did this for Lazarus.
Raise him from the dead.
This person wrote the 13 books or letters to the churches.
Who is Paul.
This disciple betrayed Jesus.
Who is Judas.
The Bible is divided into these two Testaments.
What is Old and New.
This is the last book of the 5 poetry books.
What is Song of Solomon (Songs).
This is the last word in the Bible.
What is "Amen".
This book is the first book of the New Testament and is also known as one of the Gospels written by the tax collector.
What is Matthew.
Jesus did this for each disciple at the last supper.
Wash their feet.