Historical Works
This theorist is known as the "father of Scientific Management."
Who is Frederick Winslow Taylor
This theory finds its basis in strict hierarchical design, efficiency of process and production, specific division of labor, and control mechanism.
What is "classical theory"
What are the foundational concepts that should be integrated within all public administrative work?
What is "Pillars of Administration"
In what work does Henri Fayol present his 14 principles of administration?
What is "General and Industrial Management"
The basic tenets of this theoretical domain are rooted in the industrial revolution of the 1700s and the professions of industrial engineering and economics
What is "Classical Organization Theory"
This theorist states, "A formal organization is a system of consciously coordinated activities or forces of two or more persons.
Who is Chester Bernard
One of the key concepts of Human Relations Theory was proposed by Chris Argyris and is defined in part as "learning which is concerned with the surfacing and resolution of conflict rather than with its suppression
What is "double loop learning"
Name three ways government is different from private organizations.
What is "budgeting, representation, service provision"
In this 1959 work, Charles Lindblom outlines two approaches to policy making: rational-comprehensive method and the incremental method.
What is "The Science of Muddling Through"
In what theoretical domain is Frederick Taylor most relevant?
What is "Classical Org Theory domain"
This theorist created the "proverbs of administration" to expose common misunderstandings about the universal understandings of organization and management.
Who is Herbert Simon
This theory owes a considerable debt to structural/functionalists and is, at its base level, concerned with social systems conceived as a whole
What is Systems Theory
What kind of "man" takes in all the complexities, possible alternatives, and possible consequences of a situation when making a decision?
What is a "rational man"
What work by Luther Gulick first presented the acronym, POSDCORB?
What is "Notes on the Theory of Organization"
This domain's perspective regards instrumental rationality as the essence of that part of human organizing known as administration.
What is "Neo-Classical"
This theorist called for "power with" as opposed to "power over" workers.
Who is Mary Parker Follett
What theory emphasizes the tenets of the Classical Theory domain but considers a different approach that includes human capital
What is Neo-Classical Theory
What kind of organizations, does Barnard say, comprise the "consciously coordinated" activities of people?
What are formal organizations
In which work did Max Weber discuss the difference between politics and administration and how public work should be a "calling."
What is "Politics as a Vocation"
This theoretical domain grew out of a suspicion that organizations could not be totally built along lines of efficiency.
What is "Human Relations Theory"
This theorist argued that "rational-man" theorists like Simon exclude important variables about organizational settings and thus cannot make adequate predictions about organizational events.
Who is Chris Argyris
These two theories proposed by Mc Gregor embody "management by control" and "management by objectives".
What is "Theory X and Y"
What kind of rationality includes in its definition, action which is rational only to the extent that it effectively accomplishes predefined goals.
What is "instrumental rationality"
In response to authors like Frederick Taylor, this 1937 book was the first to discuss the processes of coordination and decision making which the author found to be central to understanding organizational life
What is "The functions of the executive"
This theoretical domain was the first to provide a view of organizations which takes into account interactive environments dynamic relationships.
What is "Systems Theory Domain"