What is empathy?
Acceptable answers:
- I've been in your shows feeling
- I know exactly what you are going through
- Being able to understand the feelings and thoughts of another
What is Dementia?
Not a specific disease, dementia is a group of conditions characterized by impairment of at least two brain functions, such as memory loss and judgment.
Symptoms include forgetfulness, limited social skills, and thinking abilities so impaired that it interferes with daily functioning.
Dementia is curable
False- there is no cure for dementia at this time. Only management of symptoms.
What is person-first language and why is it important?
Putting the person before their disability. Constructions like “disabled person” emphasizes a condition over the person who is affected by it. Respect their autonomy and dignity as a person.
is a caregiver for patients and helps to manage physical needs, prevent illness, and treat health conditions. To do this, they need to observe and monitor the patient, recording any relevant information to aid in treatment decision-making.
How do you show empathy?
Acceptable answers:
- Active listening
- Recognizing their emotions
- Be present
- Restate their problems or concerns
What is Alzheimer's Disease?
Brain cell connections and the cells themselves degenerate and die, eventually destroying memory and other important mental functions.
Memory loss and confusion are the main symptoms.
The symptoms of old age and dementia are the same.
False- Forgetfulness and the need for assistance can occur with age, but these should not be mistaken for symptoms of Alzheimer’s. People who are simply aging may forget specific names or appointments, but eventually they will remember them. Those with Alzheimer’s lose their memory over time and will need constant help, reminders, or family members to help them handle simple tasks.
An aging person might use poor judgment once in a while, but someone with Alzheimer’s might do something more drastic, like give away large amounts of money to telemarketers or fail to practice good hygiene.
"The demented lady"
The lady with Dementia
Executive Director
leader of a company
How do you show active listening when you are trying to empathize with someone?
Acceptable answers:
- Eye contact
- Open body language
- Restating their problem/concern
- Physical comfort (hand on shoulder or back)
- Facing them
- Ask questions
What is Lewy-Body Dementia?
is a disease associated with abnormal deposits of a protein called alpha-synuclein in the brain. These deposits, called Lewy bodies, affect chemicals in the brain whose changes, in turn, can lead to problems with thinking, movement, behavior, and mood.
Lifestyle factors can affect your chances of getting Alzheimer’s.
True- There are a number of things that can contribute to Alzheimer’s, including health, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Studies show that there may be a connection between those who suffer from conditions like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and high blood pressure and developing Alzheimer’s disease.
It’s important to keep up with regular exercise, a nutritious diet, and even social engagements to stay mentally and physically stimulated, which can help keep you healthy as you age.
How should this be re-written?
"The old autistic man"
The older adult with autism
Social Worker
help people solve and cope with problems in their everyday lives. Clinical social workers also diagnose and treat mental, behavioral, and emotional issues.
How can you be an empathetic leader?
Acceptable answers:
- Be fully present
- Leave judgement behind
- Encouragement
- Don't interrupt
What is Vascular Dementia?
Brain damage caused by multiple strokes.
Vascular dementia causes memory loss in older adults, particularly in those at higher risk of stroke due to obesity or diabetes.
In early stages, the condition causes cognitive difficulty with reasoning and judgment. In later stages, memory is affected.
One in 10 people age 65 and older has Alzheimer’s disease.
True- Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States, and rates have steadily increased over the years. About 5.8 million Americans suffer from the disease—5.6 million age 65 and older; 200,000 under the age of 65.
How should this be re-written?
"The amputee"
The person with an amputation
Recreation Therapist
Recreational therapy uses leisure activities to help people with specific health conditions improve their skills, abilities, overall health, and emotional well-being.
Recreational therapists work with you and your healthcare team to set health goals and develop a plan to meet your needs. The plan is based on your own leisure interests and the resources available in your community.
What is the difference between empathy and sympathy?
Sympathy involves understanding from your own perspective. Empathy involves putting yourself in the other person's shoes and understanding WHY they may have these particular feelings.
What is Frontotemporal Dementia?
is a group of disorders that occur when nerve cells in the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain are lost. This causes the lobes to shrink. FTD can affect behavior, personality, language, and movement.
Aluminum exposure and the flu vaccine can lead to Alzheimer’s.
False- A common myth about Alzheimer’s is that aluminum from cans or aluminum pots can increase your chances of getting the disease. Aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease have been studied for decades, but there is no concrete evidence of a link between them. Aluminum is found not only in your cookware and cans, but in the environment and in certain foods, like many processed foods. Our bodies absorb a very small amount of aluminum, and most of it is flushed out through the kidneys.
How should this be re-written?
"The disabled person"
The person with a disability
HR Director
efficient management of people in a company or organization such that they help their business gain a competitive advantage. It is designed to maximize employee performance in service of an employer's strategic objectives.