Deliver outstanding culturally sensitive & competent care
Deliver seamless transitions of care
Deliver regional programs in collaboration with our care partners
Behaviours which are perceived to be unwelcome and to a reasonable person would ought to have known to be unwelcome are called…
Anything that puts an employee, patient, physician, visitor, volunteer, the property or reputation of PRHC in any jeopardy is called…
A Risk
How do you activate the Emergency Response System?
Dial Ext. 3333
Who do you contact to make changes to your parking, including signing up for parking pass or discontinuing your parking pass?
Parking Office - Mike
These are required to be worn at all times. They are meant to be used as an introduction to patients, staff, families and visitors.
Identification Badges
If you lose or damage your ID badge how can you get a replacement?
Where are you allowed to smoke on PRHC property?
No where
You notice a potential risk to patient safety. How will you report this?
Complete an incident report and sumbit it to your manager or direct supervisor.
Which legislative Act governs Health & Safety in Ontario?
The Occupational Health & Safety Act
Name the committee who provides direction and support to making PRHC a positive, supportive, respectful, inspired and vibrant workplace.
Healthy Hospital Committee
Why is PRHC a scent free facility?
Personal scents are know to cause symptoms in people with sensativities.
Note: the scent from cigarette smoke is one of the most common scents patients and their families complain about.
PRHC is committed to the prevention of violence in the workplace. List 3 examples of violent behaviours which are not tolerated:
Threats or threatening behaviour, excessive swearing or offensive remarks, willful damage to (PRHC) property
Are you permitted to access your own personal health record, or the personal health records of your friends and family?
No. All patients (including yourself) wishing to access thier health information must contact health records.
Workers have 3 basic rights under the Occupational Health & Safety Act? What are they?
To Know
To Refuse
To Participate
PRHC has a robust Employee Assistance Program (EAP) available to all staff at no cost. How can you access PRHC's EAP program.
accessible 24/7, in person, over the phone or via E-counselling.
(also available on your mobile device).
The dress code policy is based on which 3 guiding principles?
Infection Control;
Employee Safety;
Health Centre's Image
PRHC is committed to ensuring that individuals with disabilites have equal opportunities. How will we achieve this?
By preventing and removing any barriers.
Patient safety is everyone's responsibility. At PRHC we mitigate and reduce unsafe acts through the use of best practice.
Give an example of a best practice in patient safety.
barcode scanning for medication
infection control routine practice (hand hygiene)
maintaining up to date immunizations
using 2 patient idenitifiers
reporting risks
What are the different layers of the Internal Responsibility System?
Your pay is directly deposited in to your account and the pay stub is electronically emailed to your account.
PRHC has an ethical framework that each person is responsible for upholding. What acronym is used as a base for PRHC's ethical framework.
Name 2 ways you can recognize or celebrate a fellow co-worker:
a. MVP Nominee
b. Thank you card
c. Strategic Direction Award
d. Peer Recognition
We all have an obligation to protect a patient's privacy and confidentiality. Name 2 ways we can ensure that personal health information is kept secure.
encryting data on mobile devices
keeping PHI in a locked area
logging out of systems after use (Meditech)
proper disposal of print materials with PHI on them
discussing PHI only with those involved in the care of the patient
What are the 4 moments of hand hygiene?
a. Before patient contact
b. Before a procedure
c. After BBF risk
d. After leaving the room
We are a Regional Health Centre. Name 2 of the services we are considered "centres of excellence" for.
Cancer Care
Mental Health
Maternal Child
Vascular Surgery