The Distant Past
Humans Spread Out
Developing Complex Culture
New Ways of Life
Rise of Civilizations

These both help scientists and archaeologists study and understand how early humans could've lived during prehistoric times.

What are fossils and artifacts?


Due to the last Ice Age 70,000 years ago, land bridges were exposed and animals crossed them to find food, leading to what human phenomenon?

What is migration?


Cave paintings, statues, pregnant women

What is Stone Age Art?


Villages grew because there was a ______________ that could support a growing community.

What is a surplus of food?


Cities, government, writing, arts and architecture, public works, established religion, job specialization, and social classes. 

What are the 8 features of civilization?


This lifestyle was dominant for early hominins who had to find and follow food.

What is a hunter-gatherer?

This theory, supported by 2008 evidence, supports that early humans began in Africa then migrated to various continents.

What is the Out of Africa Theory?


The natural world is believed to be filled with spirits, which where found in animals, plants, rocks, etc.

What is animism?


This occurs when people spend most of their time working at a single job or craft.

What is specialization?


Major civilziations developed around rivers for two reasons.

What is access to water and fertile soil?


This 1974 discovery of 3.2 million year female showed a hominin who fully walked upright.

Who is Lucy?


Humans learning to build shelters from bones and covering them in animal hides is an example of them adapting to what?

What are new envirnoments?


The change from hunter-gather to farming was so important to the shift of human development it was called a _______________.

What is a revolution?

Specialization led to people having more food and goods than other, leading to greater __________ __________________.

What are social differences?


These were the highest or most powerful members of many early civilizations.

What are rulers and priests?


80,000 years ago early humans discovered this natural tool that allowed them to hunt, cook, and move around more readily.

What is fire?


Humans began to form larger communities and also began to ____________ goods and foods with others as a way to adapt to their new environment.

What is trade?


The domestication of plants and animals greatly changed the food supply by making it __________.

What is reliable?


This is a system that a community uses to produce and distribute goods and services.

What is an economy?


Wealth led to ____________ in society.

What are social classes?


These were made from stone and bones, and eventually improved, allowing the hunting of larger prey.

What are tools? or What are weapons?


The flowers and other objects found at burial sites of Neanderthals suggests this theory about them in regards to other early hominins.

What are the first group to bury their dead?

Domesticating animals for food and clearing vegetation to plant seeds after examples of humans doing what?
What is modifying their environment?

Domestication of animals led to a reliable food source, but also change what major part of humans lives?

What is clothing?


This development allowed us to move from prehistory to recorded history.

What is writing?