Roman Government and Politics
The Rhetorical Triangle
Classical Values
The Aeneid
Greece Grab Bag

Because the Roman constitution included offices designed to be in the hands of the one, the few, and the many, it is often called this type of regime? 

What is a mixed regime?


The lower right corner of the rhetorical triangle asks readers to consider this, to whom the text is being directed.

Who is the audience?


Like Socrates, the Romans valued iustitia.  They, on the other hand, tended to interpret it as each person getting what they had coming to them.

What is justice?


Book IV of the Aeneid recounts Aeneas love affair with this doomed queen of Carthage.

Who is Dido?


Theatron, literally the "seeing place" in Greek, gives us this modern word for a building in which plays are performed.

What is a theater?


Most Romans began their political careers by serving in this institution, which imbued a martial character to Roman society.

What is the army?


According to the lecture, Livy's purpose in the History of the Roman Republic was to make Rome this again.

What is great?


The Athenians valued this form of government, which gave power into the hands of the many, literally it meant power to the people.

What is a democracy?


Book II of the Aeneid recounts Aeneas's escape from the burning ruins of this city....guess they should have never accepted gifts from the Greeks.

What is Troy?


In his History of the Peloponnesian War, in which the funeral oration is recorded, Thucydides immediately follows Pericles' praise of Athens with an account of this event.

What is the Plague of Athens?


Literally meaning 'swordman shows', these type of events, in which combatants fought to the death, were paid for by wealthy Roman generals in order to win favor with the bloodthirsty, urban Roman mob.

What are gladiatorial events?


In the circle surrounding the rhetorical triangle, the analyzer records this information.

What is context or occasion?


Best translated as 'duty', this Roman value literally meant giving proper respect and reverence to those it was due.

What is pietas?


Are the heros simply the playthings of the gods?  Much of the plot of Book IV of the Aeneid is driven by the dispute between Juno, and Aeneas' mother, this Roman goddess of love.

Who is Venus?


Socrates' greatest student was this man, in whose dialogues Socrates frequently appears as a character?

Who is Plato?


Chuck Grassley and Bernie Sanders might interested to know that the name for this body comes from the Latin term for "elderly."  In the Roman republic, it was composed of notable citizens who had had distinguished and honorable careers.

What is the senate?


Unlike Thucydides, who directed his history of the Peloponnesian War to all peoples of all times, Livy wrote his history of the Roman Republic, specifically for these people?

Who are the Romans?


As a military people, who needed all soldiers to stay in line for the infantry to function properly, the Romans stressed this virtue, from the Latin word discipulus, meaning pupil. 

What is disciplina (discipline)?


Like the Odyssey and Illiad before it, Virgil begins the Aeneid by invoking these godesses of poetry.  Today the term is used to refer to a person who inspires a poet or artist.

Who are the muses?


The lower right corner of the rhetorical triangle asks readers to consider this, to whom the text is being directed.

Who is the audience?


The highest office in the Roman Republic was this office, always held by two people at the same time.

What is a consul?


When Livy speaks of the evils that had befallen the Roman Republic in the latter ages, he is likely referring to these events, that had dominated the age before him.

What are the civil wars?


This nearly untranslatable Greek term is sometimes defined as the 'excellence that is proper to something given it's function and purpose.'

What is arete?

In Book VI of the Aeneid, Aeneas journeys here, where he is visited by his father, who shows him the future glory of what will become the Roman empire.

What is the underworld?


Anagnorisis is a moment of this, when a critical discovery is made by a character in the tragedy?

What is recognition?