Refers to “stress and frustration caused by the workplace.”
Refers to “the profound emotional and physical erosion that takes place when helpers are unable to refuel and regenerate."
Compassion fatigue
A restraint restricting a child’s breathing, restricting a child’s joints or hyperextending a child’s joints, or requiring a child to take an uncomfortable position. Care providers are prohibited from using ____ ____ ____.
Prone Physical Restraint
A Federally mandated, state-level program to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities.
Protection and Advocacy System (P&A)
Twelve years of age or younger.
Tender Age
The individual that coordinates, in whole or in part, assessments of unaccompanied children, individual service plans, and efforts to release unaccompanied children from ORR custody.
____ ____ also ensure services for unaccompanied children are documented within the case files for each unaccompanied child.
Case Manager
Asking or permitting other children to physically restrain another child. Care providers are prohibited from using ____ ____.
Peer Restraints
A three-member panel consisting of ORR’s senior-level career staff with requisite experience in child welfare that is convened for the purposes of reviewing requests for reconsideration of restrictive placements
Placement Review Panel (PRP)
A kind of standard program in which all of the programmatic components are administered on-site, consistent with the standards set forth in 45 CFR § 410.1302. _____ are considered a least restrictive environment.
The movement of an unaccompanied child from one ORR care provider facility to another ORR care provider facility, such that the receiving care provider facility takes over physical custody of the child. ORR sometimes uses the terms “step-up” and “step-down” to describe _____ of unaccompanied children to or from restrictive placements.
A standard of evidence requiring that a factfinder be convinced that a contention is highly probable—i.e., substantially more likely to be true than untrue.
Clear and Convincing Evidence
Staff who provide program oversight to care providers and home study (HS) and post-release services (PRS) providers.
ORR/Project Officer (ORR/PO)
A sub-acute, time limited, interdisciplinary, psycho-educational, and therapeutic 24-hour-a-day structured program with community linkages, provided through non-coercive, coordinated, individualized care, specialized services, and interventions
Residential Treatment Center (RTC)
The set of personnel requirements established by ORR in order to promote a safe environment for unaccompanied children in its care, including protecting unaccompanied children from sexual abuse and sexual harassment.
Staff Code of Conduct
when a trafficker uses rewards and punishments within cycles of abuse to foster a powerful emotional connection with the victim.
Trauma Bond
An application and supporting documentation which must be completed by a potential sponsor who wishes to have an unaccompanied child released from ORR to their care. ORR uses the application and supporting documentation, as well as other procedures, to determine the sponsor’s ability to provide for the unaccompanied child’s physical and mental well-being.
Family Reunification Packet (FRP)
An instrument used by home study and post-release services providers, ORR care providers, and the ORR National Call Center staff to document and notify ORR of certain concerns that arise after a child is released from ORR care and custody.
Notification of Concern (NOC)
Any program, agency, or organization that is licensed by an appropriate State agency to provide residential, group, or transitional or long-term foster care services for dependent children, including a program operating family or group homes, or facilities for unaccompanied children with specific individualized needs; or that meets the requirements of State licensing that would otherwise be applicable if it is in a State that does not allow state licensing of programs providing care and services to unaccompanied children.
Standard Program
An individual who has been lawfully vested with the power, and charged with the duty of caring for, including managing the property, rights, and affairs of, a child or incapacitated adult by a court of competent jurisdiction, whether foreign or domestic.
Legal Guardian
n ORR-funded child welfare services program available pursuant to 8 U.S.C. § 1522(d). The ___ program provides specialized foster care for refugees and other eligible populations of children (such as children granted asylum, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status, T or U status). States in which an eligible children are placed establish legal responsibility for the child, under State law, to ensure that the child receives the same range of child welfare benefits and services available to domestic foster children in the state, as well as additional unique services designed to address cultural, linguistic, and religious needs, as required by ORR regulations.
Unaccompanied Refugee Minors Program (URM)
Refers to adult-on-child allegations of child abuse or neglect such as inappropriate sexual behavior, neglect, medical neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and verbal or emotional abuse that occur in facilities funded by ORR to provide residential and other services for unaccompanied children. These allegations are investigated by the Division of Child Protection Investigations (DCPI) when a state agency, typically responsible for such investigations, declines to investigate incidents in ORR-funded care provider facilities and EIFs. (see Section 5.11 ORR Child Protection Investigations).
Covered Allegation
A facility that is operated by a program, agency or organization licensed by an appropriate State agency, or that meets the requirements of State licensing that would otherwise be applicable if it is in a State that does not allow state licensing of programs providing care and services to unaccompanied children, and that meets the standards for standard programs set forth in 45 CFR § 410.1302, and that is designed for an unaccompanied child who requires close supervision but does not need placement in a secure facility, including a residential treatment center (RTC). It provides 24-hour supervision, custody, care, and treatment. It maintains stricter security measures than a shelter, such as intensive staff supervision, in order to provide supports, manage problem behavior, and prevent children from running away.
Heightened Supervision Facility
Legal service provider (LSP) that provide information on the immigration court process, children’s obligation to attend their hearings, children’s legal rights and responsibilities, forms of immigration relief commonly available to children, and the legal service provider’s role and that of other agencies and persons involved in the child’s immigration matter
Know-Your-Rights (KYR) Presentations
_____ standards are intended to “provide effective, equitable, understandable, and respectful quality care and services that are responsive to diverse cultural health beliefs and practices, preferred languages, health literacy, and other communication needs.”
Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS)
For purposes of HHS operations, a situation in which the net bed capacity of ORR’s standard programs that is occupied or held for placement by unaccompanied children meets or exceeds 85 percent for a period of seven consecutive days.