Jesus turning water into wine/ Kana ZeGelila
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Aregawi haymanot teAtsfe
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Habe Amde werq 2x simu tsihuf (2x)
I am the angel that was sent by God to announce the birth of Jesus Christ to the Virgin Mary. Who am I?
Kidus Gabriel
What are the seven Mysteries in order?
Baptism, Myron, Confession, Holy Communion, Holy Matrimony, Priesthood/holy orders, unction of the sick
Body Builder gets a bad haircut, and then in his final appearance bring the house down
The story of Samson
What makes the Holy Trinity Three in One and One in Three? (Full Answers)
The Holy Trinity is three in name, in person, in deed and one in essence, in divinity, in existence, in will.
What is the liturgical language of the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Church?
Who fasted for 40 days before Jesus did?
Liqe Nebiyat Qidus Moses
Noah's Ark
ብዘይ ብኣኻ መን ኣሎኒ ኣነ
ኣብ ሰማይን ምድርን መድሕነይ ዝኾነ
bi’aka men alonī ane
Ab semay’in midrin medhiney zikone
እግዚኣብሔር ንዓኻ ኣሚነ
እቲ ዝምክሖ መገደይ ዘቕንዖ
ኣምላኸይ ሓይለይ እምባይ ዝጽግዖ
ንስኻ ኢኻ ንልበይ ተጽንዖ
Igzīabhier ni’aka amīne
Itīzi’mikiho megedey zeq’nio amlakey hayley imbay zi’tsigi’o
Nisika īka ni’libey tetsni’o
I was a tax collector before becoming one of the twelve apostles of Jesus. Who am I?
Matthew the tax collector
Which Mystery includes the Bishop or priest anointing someone with holy oil to heal their body and soul?
Unction of the sick
they found themselves naked and afraid in paradise
Adam and Eve
What are the 5 Pillars of Mystery?
The Mystery of the Holy Trinity, The Mystery of Incarnation, The Mystery of Baptism, The Mystery of Holy Communion, The Mystery of Resurrection
In 381 AD, the First Council of Constantinople concluded the Church being the …
Hint: 1, 😇, Universal, and ………
The Church has these four distinct marks: One, Holy, Universal, and Apostolic
How many feasts of our Lady Mary are there that our church celebrates?
Qidus Yared
Bimengedka mirhani Egziabhier...
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ብመንግድካ ምርሓኒ
ካብ ኣእላፍ ወርቕን ብሩርንሲ ቃል ልሳንካ ይሕሸኒ
ካብ ኣእላፍ ወርቅን ብሩርንሲ ሕጊ ኣፍካ ይሕሸኒ
Bimengedka mirhani
Kab a-ilaf werqn birurinsi qal lisan-ka yihisheni
Kab a-ilaf werqn birurinsi qal lisan-ya yihisheni”
I was sold into slavery by my brothers and later became a powerful leader in Egypt. Who am I?
Which Mystery can not be repeated?
Baptism, Myron, matrimony
Crowded house party becomes lit when a guy on a "magic" carpet ride drops in from above
Jesus heals the paralyzed man
What’s the basis for Pillars of Mysteries?
The five pillars of mysteries are based on the Bible and teachings of Jesus and his disciples, and the teaching of the fathers.
Who is the first iconographer in the Orthodox Church that made icons of St. Mary the Mother of Jesus our Lord?
Hint: He is an evangelist.
Luke the Evangelist
Why should we take off our shoes?
As we enter the Holy Temple consecrated by His precious blood, it symbolizes us leaving our sins outside the holy place, as Moses and Joshua were also told to take their shoes off, because they are on Holy ground. Exodus 3:5, Joshua 5:15
queen esther
ዝበልካዮ ይኸውን፡ ከም ፍቓድካ ኩሉ ይፍጸም...
Zibelkayo yikewin kem fiqadka kulu yifetsim...
ንሓሳብካ ጎይታ መን ኣሎ ዝቃወም(2)
Nihasabka goyta men alo ziqawim (2)
I am the sister of Mary and Lazarus. I was known for being busy with the household duties when Jesus visited our home. Who am I?
Which mysteries are necessary for salvation?
Baptism, Myron, Communion, Confession
One guy's lunch turns into the craziest potluck
Jesus feeds the 5,000
When was the Mystery of Baptism revealed to us?
It was revealed through the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist in the Jordan River
Who witnesses the holy trinity in the Old Testament?
Father Abraham
When’s the Annual Assembly of the Clergy?
Ginbot 21
Samson & Delilah
ገብርኤል ገብርኤል ጥዑም ዜማ
ተገለጽ ብኽብር ብግርማ
Gabriel Gabriel ti'um zeima
tgelix bi'kibre bigrima
ት`ድምጽካ ንነፍሰይ ክጠቅማ
ኣስምዓን/2/ ገብርኤል ጥዑም ዜማ
ኣስምዓን/2/ መልኣከ ናይ ራማ
ti'dimxha N'nifsey k'tqma
asmAne/2/ Gabriel ti'um zeima
asmAne/2/ melake nay rama
I am known for my charity work and being the mother of Emperor Constantine. Who am I?
St. Helena
What Mystery deals with renunciation and acceptance?
A mud facial really helped open his eyes tot he world around him
Jesus heals the blind man
Which prophet's words were fulfilled through the birth of Jesus Christ, according to the text
Isaiah and Micah prophesied about the birth of Jesus Christ, with Isaiah 7:14 foretelling His virgin birth ("Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son")
Micah 5:2 predicting His birthplace in Bethlehem ("But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel").
Who are the Samrians?
Samerian are from Samaria which was north of Judea and used to be part of Judea before the nation split into two. Samerians were Jews that followed the God of Abraham, Israel, and Jacob before they turned from God.
In Eritrea how many female monasteries are there and name them?
Kidist Arsema and Kidist Demana