
What needs to be completed each week for your math classes?

2 IXL lessons with Smart Scores of 80 or higher.

How should classmates treat each other?

With respect and consideration for each others' learning.


What do you need every day for this and other classes?

A charged iPad.


What is the first thing you should do when you sit down at your desk at the beginning of class?

1. Bring out your iPad and go to the assignment.

2. Begin the first activity on the agenda.


Does Ms. Ortiz accept late work?

No, unless you are absent or you receive approval for extra time.


What should you do if you need the teacher's attention?

Raise your hand quietly and wait until, the teacher is ready to help you.


What school supply do you often need for this class? You may borrow it from Ms. Ortiz, but must return it.

A pencil.
How should you behave when you are lined up outside of class?

Stand against the wall quietly.


What percent of your grade is made up of formative assignments?



What are the two most important things you MUST do to stay out of trouble and drama?

1. Keep your hands to yourself.

2. Do not talk about other people negatively.


How should you treat all school materials such as calculators, pencils, and iPads?

-With respect. 

-Use them for what they are intended for.

-With care, so that they are usable for as long as possible.


What is the procedure if you need to go to the bathroom?

Enter a restroom pass in eHall pass. Then cross your fingers for Ms. Ortiz to see that you have an active pass and wait until she approves it. (DO NOT call out to Ms. Ortiz)


What should you do if you have any challenges completing assignments?

Ask for help either in person or through Schoology messages.


What should you do when it is someone else's turn to speak? This can be the teacher or your classmates, either to the whole class or in small groups.

Listen respectfully and not talk until it is your turn.

What should you do if you do not have your iPad with you?

Do your assignments on paper then transfer the work to the iPad later.


What is the procedure if you need to go to the nurse?

Enter a pass and wait for the nurse to approve it. If it is an emergency, let Ms. Ortiz know.