communication/ emergencies
Go to the "net"
Portable oxygen tanks are stored this way
What is in tank holders
The two identifiers used with "it takes 2"
What is name and date of birth or Medical Record number or Social Security Number?
This will be called for any event that significantly disrupts normal operations, like an earthquake, pandemic illness, civil disturbance or riots, or hazardous materials exposure.
What is a code yellow?
A Survery asks a question and you respond, "Please repeat the question" or "I don't know, I need look that up"
What are appropriate responses when you don't know the answer to a Surveyor’s question? Refer to your resources like v-net, policies, and standards
VM supports cultural sensitivity in this way
What is respecting our patient's cultural preferences and incorporating them into our plan of care? What is using interpreter services?
This rule states there must be at least this amount of unobstructed space between the bottom of the fire sprinkler and the top of stored items
What is the 18 inch rule?
A procedural time out contains these elements.
What are: Correct patient (2 identifiers) Correct procedure, correct side, correct site Verbal agreement and all equipment and documentation in room
Moving horizontally beyond the next set of fire doors in the same unit or going one floor lower or as directed by fire department /EOC / Building Engineer
What is how you evacuate patients?
What is the Material Safety Data Sheet?
When a patient has a concern about their care they are referred to Patient Relations.
What is how a patient files a complaint or grievance?
Examples include gloves, gowns, face masks, respirators, and goggles
What is Personal Protective Equipment?
QD, QID, U, etc
What are examples of unapproved abbreviations? Everything must be spelled out.
What is a standardized communication formate the helps promote safe staff communication? What is the acronym for Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recomendation?
4 items listed in the MSDS
What are ingredients, flammability, health risks of exposure, and required PPE?
Written instructions regarding a patient's wishes for medical treatment and procedures
What are Advance Directives?
You do these steps if a piece of equipment is broken.
What is remove the equipment from service, tag it with the problem described, and call engineering?
Discussions about this cannot be delegated to the nurse, MA, etc. If the patient has further questions or appears confused about the procedure after signing this, the MD must talk with the patient again.
What is an Informed Consent? Discussion of the treatment, potential risks/complications and reasons for the procedure are the responsibility of the MD.
By using cell phones, 2-way radios, text messaging, runners, and computers
What is ways communication is maintained during an emergency when the telephone lines are down?
Scott Simicich was this important person, now it is Chris Thawsh
Who is the cardiology safety officer?
POLST form
What is Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment? The orders give detailed direction to emergency personnel regarding end of life care and covers patients after they leave the hospital (stays with patient). VM will honor directions for this until the admitting provider writes code status orders.
What is the acronym for Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep
Avoid interruptions while preparing and administering medication Check for allergies When giving a patient medication, state the name, dose, and purpose of the medication Chart in Cerner
What is what do you do to promote medication safety?
Smoke or fire is present, or you are directed to do so by the fire department, VM Security, Engineering, the EOC, or other authority
What is when you would evacuate your department?
This is identified by a flag on the patients computerized record and is also printed on the patient label
What is a history of MDRO (Multiple Drug Resistant Organism)? Alerts the team to use contact or other precautions.
Always adhere to the password protection rules Never discuss patients in public ares Report privacy concerns
What is how you protect patient confidentiality?