BBP Standard
Biohazard Waste
Hazard Comms

PPE is to be worn whenever a doctor or team member could do this...

What is: Come in contact with bodily fluids

(blood or saliva)


Contaminated materials must be placed in these

What are the Biohazard bags & sharps containers


What does the acronym SDS stand for?

What are: Safety Data Sheets


Name at least 3 items that are considered semi-critical

What are: Mouth mirrors, intraoral mirrors, cheek retractors, reusable impression trays, amalgam condenser's, X-ray positioning devices, etc.

Semi-critical instruments should be heat sterilized and if the instrument is not heat tolerant, then must be processed using a high-level disinfection process following manufacture instructions


All new employees are responsible for reading & understanding the OSHA/IC manual within how many days of employment?

When is: 10 Days.  You must keep a record of training for each employee


Name the 2 standards of employee protection covered by OSHA

What are the: Bloodborne Pathogens Standard and Hazard Communication


List at least 3 examples of items that would go in a biohazard bag

What are: 


Every office should have a person designated as an...

What is an: infection prevention coordinator trained in infection prevention responsibility for coordinating the program.


How should contaminated instruments be transported? 

What is: in a covered non-perforated container which has a locking lid and clearly marked as biohazard  


How often should you review and update your OSHA/IC program? 

When is: Annually  

Best practice is to also review when there is a new employee or any updates to any of the plans. 


How often should DHCP wash their hands? 

When is: When visibly soiled, after barehanded touching of potentially contaminated instruments, before and after treating each patient & prior to donning and after doffing gloves.

Use of soap and water required when visibly soiled 


What are the 4 requirements for a Biohazard/Regulated waste container? 

What are: Closable, puncture resistant, leakproof on sides and bottom and labeled with biohazard labeling 


Chemicals placed in secondary containers must be...

What is a: Secondary label? 


Where should the autoclave log be kept and when does it get updated?

What is: by each autoclave and with each cycle


Where should the treatment room log be kept and when does it get updated?

Where is: In the treatment room and after every shift  (a shift is considered


List the 5 PPE items that are required to be provided for all employees

What are: Gloves, Masks, Safety Glasses, Lab Coats, & Utility Gloves


List at least 3 examples of items that would go in the sharps container

What are: Anything that could potentially poke through a biohazard bag – Burs, Blades, endo files, Broken teeth without amalgam, carpules, needles, etc.


What is required for the written materials left by the companies that haul hazardous waste?

What is: Kept in a digital file or log for 3 years.

(some states may require longer, check your state plan) 


What specific semi-critical patient item should be barrier protected to reduce contamination during use?

What is a: digital x-ray sensor

Must be an FDA- cleared barrier followed by cleaning and disinfecting using a hospital grade disinfectant with a TB kill claim. 


How often should employee training records be updated and how? 

When is: after every training session that contains health and safety information. 


Define bloodborne pathogens

What are: microorganisms such as viruses or bacteria that are carried in blood and can cause disease in people? 


Where should sharps containers be located? 

Where at: easily accessible during patient care and as close as possible to the immediate area of use or can be reasonably anticipated to be found (such as a laundry area) 


If an employee is injured on the job, what MUST be completed

What is an: Incident Report OSHA form 301

(dentistry is except from reporting to OSHA, but you still need to have records of the incident kept in the employee confidential medical record for 30 yrs past employment) 


What does each cassette need to contain prior to sterilization? 

What is a: Class 5 indicator strip

These class 5 strips will indicate that the internal portion of the cassette was exposed to the proper amount of time & temp or if using a single-parameter indicator only time or temp


How long are you required to keep and maintain confidential employee health records? 

When is: 30 years past employment.