Check In
Point of Sale
Name 3 places you can change a member's barcode in DataTrak.
1 - Attended Check In under Member Details 2 - Member Pages under Personal Tab 3 - Member Manage search results page
Where do you go in DataTrak to process a return from an original sale?
Menu / Point of Sale / POS / Load Previous Sale / Select Receipt / Click Return
Where would you go in DataTrak to Freeze a member?
Member Pages / Invoices Tab / ABC View / Edit (top right)
Name the 3 Agreement Types
New Renew Rewrite
What are the four possible statuses of an event?
Pending Complete Cancel Event Charge Cancel Event No Charge
Where would you go in DataTrak to change the "Number of Days to Alert" from 45 days to 3 days for the "AGRMT EXPIRES IN" system alert?
Setup / Alerts Setup / AGRMT EXPIRES IN
What are the two discount types available in DataTrak
Invoice and Item
Where would you go in DataTrak to see the services a member has used?
Member Pages / Services Tab / Usage History
What are the 4 Agreement Terms?
Cash Cash Open Open Installment
What does Unfunded mean?
An event has been booked on the calendar, but the service mapped to it has not been paid for.
Where would you go in DataTrak to update how long the Unattended Check In page displays on screen?
Setup / Settings / Clubs / Select Club / Main / Check In / "Picture Timeout (seconds)
Where would I go to see all drawers (both closed and currently open) in DataTrak?
Menu / Point of Sale / POS / Drawers
How many times will ABC attempt to draft a member's bank account.
Up to 3 times depending on the club.
Where would an owner go to see all agreements that are just waiting to be approved?
Menu / Members / Agreements / Change the Queue to Approval.
Where would we go in DataTrak to see a calendar or a list view of events scheduled for a specific location?
Menu / Schedule / Calendar / Summary / Change to Location / Adjust Date Range / Search
Where would you go in DataTrak to require employees to verify themselves (access code or fingerprint) before they can successfully clock in?
Setup / Settings / Clubs / Select Club / Main / Employee / Require Verification
Where would you go in DataTrak to lock down POS so every employee must enter their access code before they are able to complete a transaction?
Setup / Settings / Workstation / Station Requires Access Code.
Is a member able to use a bank account for their Alternate Billing Method?
No - members may only use a credit card for Alternate ABC Billing.
What do the [ ] mean when you receive an error message in DataTrak?
This means the message is coming directly from the ABC Billing System. (Normally found under the Reject Queue).
Where would a manager of a club go in DataTrak to manage several events at one time?
Menu / Schedule / Events
Where would you go in DataTrak if you would like to limit the number of times a member may Remote Check In to a club?
Setup / Settings / Company / Remote Check Ins
Where would you go in DataTrak to require a member on all sales through POS?
Setup / Settings / Clubs / Select the Club / POS / General / Require Member on All Sales.
Where would you go in DataTrak to activate the locker module in DataTrak?
Setup / Settings / Clubs / Select the club / Main / Defaults / Manage Lockers
Where would a club go in DataTrak to allow a new member to use "Statement" as a payment method when signing up?
Setup / Settings / Clubs / Select the Club / New Agreement / General / Primary ABC Billing Statements
Where do you go in DataTrak to add your employees to the calendar?
Setup / Schedule Setup / Configuration / Club Settings / Employee Display Order