Architecture of our ideal customer
What is microservices?
Ambition, Ownership, Resilience, Desire to grow
What are the 4 Oso expectations?
Data architecture, policy flexibility, docs, and support
What are top reasons customers in our ICP buy Oso?
Platform team
Who in our ideal customer is buying Oso?
Desire + ability to deal with discomfort
What is a key part of resilience?
Performance and reliability
What are the main things buyers say they care about AFTER they buy Oso?
VP engineering
Who is the most common buyer of Oso?
Broad view of role in winning, accountability, see trash -> pick it up
What are the 3 ingredients to ownership?
What is our ARR stretch goal for the year?
Avoid syncing because it's hard, list filtering across central + domain-specific databases
What problems does local authorization solve?
Doing retros by default after events is a great example of this expectation
Desire to grow
November 6
When does Marci come back?
Because these factor are proxies for pain and willingness to pay
Why do we scope our ICP to growth-stage companies?
Hazal's 30+ fixes in her first 30 days is an example of this expectation
What is ambition?
When are Chris and his wife expecting a baby?