During the test...
Multiple Choice
News Report
Short Writing Tasks
Kennedy, Campbell, OR Crowell
During the test, it is important that you manage this, or you may run out of it.
What is time?
The number of possible answers in a multiple choice question.
What is four?
A solid news report contains 5 of these and 1 "how".
What is 5 W's?
A short answer question is made up of this number of lines in length. Hint: 2x2+2.
What is 6?
This mommy looks forward to visiting this busy city.. Hint: it is the city that never sleeps. What is the city?
Who is Mrs. Crowell? + What is New York City?
To help you pick out important words, it helps to use this bright coloured tool to draw attention to them.
What is a highlighter?
After reading the four possible answers, it is important to rule out answers that you know are _____________ .
What is incorrect?
This is an example of an important part of a news report: "We hope you have enjoyed the snacks," said Ms. Campbell.
What is a quotation?
The best answers include specific ____________ .
What are details?
Who has a favourite Disney Movie that includes Simba, Nala, Rafiki and Zazu?
Who is Ms. Campbell? + What is the Lion King?
In order to make connections with what you are reading, sometime it helps to "see" what you are reading. Fancy word that starts with a "v."
What is visualize?
These two words often make multiple choice questions really tricky. "Choose the ________ or most _________ answer."
What are best and correct?
This is often a forgotten part of a news report, but it is important to have several small _______________ , separating your ideas.
What are paragraphs?
Remember to do this when you are done writing your response.
What is proofread?
Who has an amazing singing voice and often listens to music while she works?
Who is Ms. Kennedy!
If you read a word that you don't understand, look for this word that you know inside the larger word. Hint: It is the same word that stabilizes a tree in the ground.
What is a root word?
After you have determined the best or most correct answer, you fill in this with a pencil.
What is a bubble?
Your news report should be written in this "person." Hint: not "I"
What is third?
Use your own personal _______________ and knowledge to create a well-rounded and authentic response.
What are experiences?
Which two teachers share an English classroom? Guess the room number for an extra treat!
Who are Ms. Kennedy and Ms. Campbell? + What is room 310?
In order to make sure that you are understanding what you are reading you can do this, to make sure. Ask yourself ____________ .
What is ask yourself questions?
Sometimes it is best to cover up the possible answers to avoid second ____________ yourself.
What is guessing?
When writing a news report, it is important that you write in _________ __________ because this event already took happened!
What is past tense?
It is important to make these between yourself and what you are reading. Hint: it has to "n's" in the middle.
What are connections?
Who is getting married this summer? Which teacher friend is attending the wedding?
Who is Ms. Campbell? Who are Ms. Kennedy and Mrs. Crowell? Trick Question ... Both Mrs. Crowell and Ms. Kennedy will be there! :)