This is something you need to do at the beginning of every sentence
What is capitalize the first letter?
After Bethany had played outside all day at the pool, she was depleted when she came back inside.
What does depleted mean?
This is something you need to do as soon as you get your test
What is reading the questions/instructions?
I reheated my food in the microwave.
Reheated means to heat food again. What does the prefix "Re" mean?
To do something again
I was very thankful for the food my family made for me. Thankful means to be full of thank.
What does the suffix "ful" mean?
to be full of
This is what the final sentence in your paragraph is called
What is the conclusion/concluding sentence?
The jar is very brittle and when John accidentally knocked it over, it smashed into pieces.
What does brittle mean?
Fragile/easily breakable
This is something you can do to get 2 easy points on the OST
What is writing down the titles of both passages?
I preheated the oven before baking my cookies. Preheat means to heat before. What does the prefix "Pre" mean?
To do something before
Her statement was easily agreeable.
Agreeable means that it was possible to agree
What does the suffix "able" mean?
Possible to do
Other than capitalizing the first letter of each sentence, this is what you need to do at the start of each paragraph.
What is indent/5 spaces?
Jackson was not satisfied with the amount of food he got on Thanksgiving.
What does satisfied mean?
full/feeling good about something
This is something you can write on your paper to compare and contrast with BEFORE writing your essay
What is a venn diagram?
It was impossible for her to finish her work in time. Impossible means that something is not possible. What does the prefix "im" mean?
Even though the comedian was super funny, her face was emotionless and didn't react.
Emotionless means without emotion
What does the suffix "less" most likely mean?
This is something you need to have when citing evidence so that you don't look like you're stealing/plagiarizing
What is using quotation marks/citing the author?
Nate did not abide any rules at the pool and ended up getting injured.
What does abide mean?
to follow/listen
This is a tool that you can use to help you decide which answers might be correct and which ones definitely aren't
What is the cross off tool?
She answered the question incorrectly in class. Incorrectly means to answer something wrong. What does the prefix "in" mean?
Her dress was very creative and colorful.
Creative means to be related to creating
What does the suffix "ive" most likely mean?
to be something/relating to
This is a phrase you must have in every body paragraph when citing key details from the text
What is "In the text it says/in the passage it says"?
After the rainstorm, the rainbow lit up the sky with vivid colors.
What does vivid mean?
This is something you need to do if the question says "In paragraph two, the sentence says..."
What is go back and read paragraph two?
The student was hyperactive in class. Hyperactive means to be extremely active. What does the prefix "hyper" mean?
Extreme/over/too much
That singer is so famous that everyone knows them!
Famous means to be full of fame. What does the suffix "ous" most likely mean?
to be full of/relating to