Which of the following words are nouns? what, state, orange, below
state and orange
What word is a synonym for divide?
count, separate, carry
Amy was unsure when the bus would arrive. What does unsure mean?
not sure
It's time for bed now.
It's is a contraction for what words?
It is
The grill was used to roast the vegetables.
Roast means to:
a) to cook in an overn or near hot coals
b) a cut of meat
c) an event at which a person is praised and insulted
Which of these words is a preposition?
In, These, Cold, Yourself
What word is an antonym for noisy?
drum, praise, quiet
Don wanted to recopy his homework. What does recopy mean?
copy again
She's the principal of the school.
She's is a contraction for what words?
She is
When I get near the goal, pass the ball to me.
a) to go by somebody or something
b) to give something to somebody
c) a note of permission
b) to give something to somebody
What are 2 nouns in the sentence?
Dan, wake up, we're here! Mom said. It seemed like Dan and his mother were in the car for a century. They were traveling to Florida to visit Aunt Angela.
Dan, Mom, mother, car, Florida, Aunt Angela
"They can feel slippery, like cooking oil, or sticky, like maple syrup." What is a synonym for slippery?
slick, sneaky, slow
The boys were unable to reach the cookies. What does unable mean?
not able
You've seen may animals today at the zoo.
You've is a contraction for what words?
You have
Mary walked through the passage and left the building.
Passage means:
a) corridor; hallway
b) section; paragraph
c) voyage; cruise
a) corridor; hallway
Which words in the sentence are verbs?
Dan, wake up, we're here! Mom said. It seemed like Dan and his mother were in the car for a century. They were traveling to Florida to visit Aunt Angela.
wake, visit, traveling, were, here
"The towels they took home from the pool were damp." What is an antonym for damp?
wet, soft, dry
What do each of these words mean?
Incomplete- not complete
Inexpensive- not expensive
They're meeting us at the park.
They're is a contraction for what words?
They are
When I practice the violin, I can hear each note.
Note means:
a) short letter to someone
b) a sound in music that you can play or sing
c) point out or notice
b) a sound in music that you can play or sing
Read the sentence below and choose one adjective, one adverb and one preposition.
At the age of 77, John Glenn became the oldest person to travel into outer space. He rocketed through space on the space shuttle Discovery.
adjective- oldest, outer, rocketed
adverbs- none
preposition- at, on, into, through
Give a synonym and an antonym this word.
Tell the base word, the prefix, meaning and use it in a sentence.
prefix- pre
base word- determine
meaning- determine before it happens
We aren't playing outside today.
Aren't is a contraction for what words?
Are not
Mary said that she would train me to be a cook.
Train means:
a) teach; bring up
b) extra material on the back of a dress
c) a string of railroad cars
a) teach; bring up