Acronym for the four categories of physical exam findings that help differentiate acute vs chronic somatic dysfunction.
What are TART changes?
Tissue Texture Changes
Who is the Father of Osteopathic Medicine?
Andrew Taylor Still
The basic principle in Osteopathic medicine is that touch is both diagnostic and healing. Diagnosis is tactile
Give the 4 principles of Osteopathic Medicine
1. body is a unit
2. body can heal itself.
3. structure and function are reciprocally interrelated.
4. Treatment is based on the above
What acronym is used to diagnose somatic dysfunction?
What condition lead to Still creating his first "technique"?
What are the 3 basic styles of OMT techniques?
Direct, indirect, Soft tissue
Find a restricted motion, place area/ joint in neutral, move until relaxed in all planes, +/ tension/ compression, 3-5 seconds, retest
Facilitated Positional Release
what are the land marks for diagnosis of sacrum
ILA, sacral base.
What is the first T in TART?
What did Still do prior to founding Osteopathic medicine?
Soft tissue techniques include:
stretching, kneading, inhibition
Ligament or fascial tension, engage all tissues move slowly and balance, retest
Myofascial release/ Ligamentous articular strain
chapman points for gallbladder
5th-7th intercostal ant on the right anterior, t8 t9 post
What is the A in TART?
Where did Dr. Still teach?
Kirksville, MO
Muscle energy is direct or indirect
Muscle energy
sinus chapman points
medial clavicles, c2
What is the R in TART?
Restriction of motion
What was so unique for the Osteopathic schools that beyond the philosophies led people to call Still a visionary?
He had equal men and women in his classes
Cranial is direct or indirect:
identify tension/ edema, apply force traction, kneading, inhibition, effleurage, pertrissage.
soft tissue
the chapman points of the intestines form what visual?
As if they are laid upside down on the legs while sitting
What is the second T in TART?
Who helped Still in his advanced visions in Osteopathy?
His relationship with the Shawnee who both valued men and women & saw the balance in nature.
What is the best way to get better at OMT?
Define Thrust
force for HVLA, short quick pressure given when all tissues in all planes with all barriers engaged.
5 models of osteopathic care
structural model, respiratory circulatory model, metabolic model, neurologic model, behavioral model