The word that matches the definition: a set of tools and techniques used for describing, organizing, and interpreting information or data
What is Statistics?
Describe the difference between reliability and validity
Reliability- Consistency
Validity- Generalizability
Defined as the average distance away from the mean.
What is Standard Deviation?
The hypothesis created about the sample that uses Roman characters is called.....
What is an alternative or research hypothesis?
Given an SEM of 30 and a student's score of 150, a student true score falls between ____ and ____.
What is 120 and 180?
Define both descriptive and inferential statistics and their differences.
ā—¸Descriptive- describing data, data characteristics of mean, median and mode; needed to correctly interpret results
ā—¸Inferential- used to make inferences from a small sample to a larger group or population
This type of reliability is __________ when there are different versions of the same test.
What is parallel forms?
Data that has measures of center in the order of mode, median mean; is described as having ____ skew.
What is positive skew?
The two types of research hypotheses are ____ and ____.
-Directional - states the difference and where the difference is at, 1-tailed
-Non-directional -states there is a "general" difference, 2-tailed
The amount of data that lies above the value 63 in a normal distribution with a mean of 63 and SD of 12.
What is 50%?
NOIR stands for...
Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio
Data can be ______ but not ______, but never can be _____ yet not _____.
Data can be reliable but not valid but can never be Valid and not reliable.
Described as "having similar characteristics as a Z-score, and tell us how far an individual score is from the mean but always have a mean of 50 and SD of 10."
What is a T-score?
Defined as the average amount of error you can expect in the score from administering a test or "the average size of the error score"
What is the Standard Error of Measurement?
The formula to calculate a z-score is...
x- mean/SD
Defined as "Tests where the person's score is compared to a sample of people who took the test."
What are Norm-referenced tests
Four types of validity are...
Construct, Content, Criterion (predictive and concurrent), and Face
*Instrument, Internal, and external are additional types that should be aware of*
The 4 factors that impact frequency distributions are ...
What are "averages, variability, skew, and kurtosis"
Described as the best estimate of the true mean of the population.
What are the Confidence Intervals of the sample mean?
The mode of the following values 2,2,4,4,5,7,7,7,7,8,9 is
What is 7?
Describe accommodations and modifications (examples?)
-Accommodations- changes in the conditions under which an assessment is administered
-Modifications- changes in the way a person responds to the test, impact validity
Describe the difference between inter-rater and test-retest reliability.
Test-retest- same tester rates the same client twice
Inter-rater- different testers, same person one time
Draw a normal curve with the appropriate percentages...
34.1, 13.6, 2.2, 0.1
The percentage of data that would fall between -1.96 and +1.96 on a normal curve.
What is 95%?
What is +2.5?